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Energy – Renewable vs Non-Renewable Zikai He. What is Energy?  How to define energy?  ‘An ability to do things.’

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Presentation on theme: "Energy – Renewable vs Non-Renewable Zikai He. What is Energy?  How to define energy?  ‘An ability to do things.’"— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy – Renewable vs Non-Renewable Zikai He

2 What is Energy?  How to define energy?  ‘An ability to do things.’

3 What is Energy?  Many different types:  Kinetic  Potential/Chemical  Heat  Electrical  Light (electromagnetic)  Sound  Nuclear (Fusion vs Fission)

4 What do we use energy for?  Everything!  Breathing, eating, blinking, keeping warm…  Outside of the body:  Making toast  Powering a cellular phone  Lighting  Motor vehicles  Television  And countless others…

5 Let’s play a game on Energy  For each of the following devices and objects, say what you think gives them ‘Energy’ to perform tasks  Footballer kicking a ball  A car travelling down the road  An electric car travelling down the road  A stove-top kettle  A listener enjoying music  A fireplace keeping the house warm

6 Renewable or Non-renewable?  What is the difference???

7 Non-renewable  Energy sources that, once used, cannot be easily replenished, replaced, or recovered  Most sources of energy we use today, e.g.  Fossil fuels (crude oil, petroleum, coal)  Organic fuels (wood, paper)

8 Renewable  Energy sources that are self-sustainable, and does not consume any resources, e.g.  Solar power  Wind turbine  Hydro-electricity  Geothermal power

9 Renewable  Take electricity production as an example:  Heat is required to boil water  Boiled water forms vapour  Vapour produces pressure  Pressure drives turbines with gigantic magnets  Magnets turn, producing electricity  HEAT source is the key

10 Let’s play another game  Guess which of the following are renewable, or non- renewable:  Burning petrol to power a car  Using non-rechargeable batteries to power a torch  Turning on the Solar power-boosted water heater  Lighting a match  Plants making their own food by photosynthesis  A nuclear-powered electricity plant

11 Why is non-renewable energy important?  Endless supply (in theory)  Cheap – in the future (hopefully!)  Environmentally friendly  No toxic waste  No unwanted by-products (e.g. carbon dioxide)  No damage to the environment when exploiting the sources  Think: the Gulf of Mexico oil spill by British Petroleum, United States, 2011

12 Let’s find out more!  Follow the activities!

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