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JA Energy Careers. Energy is the ability to do work. We use energy for everything we do, from flying from country to country to posting a picture on Instagram.

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Presentation on theme: "JA Energy Careers. Energy is the ability to do work. We use energy for everything we do, from flying from country to country to posting a picture on Instagram."— Presentation transcript:

1 JA Energy Careers

2 Energy is the ability to do work. We use energy for everything we do, from flying from country to country to posting a picture on Instagram. WHAT IS ENERGY? Energy sources are classified into two groups: Nonrenewable and Renewable.

3 Nonrenewable Sources of Energy

4 CRUDE OIL Crude Oil, also known as petroleum, is a liquid fossil fuel formed from millions of years of heat and pressure being applied to layers of sand and silt on top of the remains of animals and plants. FUN FACT : Oil isn't just used for gasoline in cars. Its components are used to make clothes, sports balls, medicines, make-up, and refrigerators.

5 Coal, the most abundant fossil fuel, is a combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock composed mostly of carbon and hydrocarbons. COAL FUN FACT: In the last 24 hours, coal provided over 40% of the power for 100 billion e-mails, 75 million tweets and the activation of 350 Androids phones.

6 Natural gas, also known as methane, is a fossil fuel composed of carbon and hydrogen. NATURAL GAS FUN FACT: Natural gas is odorless, so energy companies add the smell of rotten egg to enable customers to detect natural gas leaks.

7 Nuclear Energy is energy in the core of an atom. In nuclear fission, atoms are split apart to form smaller atoms, thus releasing energy. NUCLEAR ENERGY FUN FACT: Nuclear power leaves no pollution in the air, but Nuclear/radioactive waste must be stored for thousands of years.

8 Renewable Sources of Energy

9 Wind, simply air in motion, is caused by the uneven heating of the Earth’s surface by the Sun. Wind energy is used to turn the blades on a turbine, which spins a shaft, which connects to a generator and makes electricity. WIND ENERGY FUN FACT: A single wind turbine can power 500 homes.

10 Solar Energy is created by the sun’s rays that reach the Earth. It is used to heat water, spaces, and fluids as well as create electricity through the use of solar cells. SOLAR ENERGY FUN FACT : Solar energy is free and 100% renewable and if you produce extra electricity, the power company will pay you for that electricity.

11 Geothermal energy is heat generated from the Earth’s core. The heat is recovered as steam or hot water and used to heat buildings or generate electricity. GEOTHERMAL ENERGY FUN FACT: Texas’ State Capitol was originally heated by geothermal water making Austin one of the first Texas cities to use this type of energy.

12 Water Energy, also known as hydropower, can create energy when it is moving. The amount of energy it can create is determined by its flow or fall. WATER ENERGY FUN FACT: Hydropower is the only renewable energy source that is in some measure competitive with fossil fuels.

13 Biomass is organic material that comes from plants and animals that contains energy from the sun. When burned, the chemical energy is released as heat. BIOMASS FUN FACT: Almost 10% of the energy consumed in the United States comes from garbage.

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