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Structure your ideas!. Correction: photo p44 We are immediately struck by the desert, the sand dunes, the magnificent colours. We immediately notice three.

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Presentation on theme: "Structure your ideas!. Correction: photo p44 We are immediately struck by the desert, the sand dunes, the magnificent colours. We immediately notice three."— Presentation transcript:

1 Structure your ideas!

2 Correction: photo p44 We are immediately struck by the desert, the sand dunes, the magnificent colours. We immediately notice three women carrying big jars of water on their heads. They walk long distances to fetch water (or wood). Collecting water is time-consuming. The area is uninhabited. The landscape is barren. Water must be scarce, droughts must be severe in Rajasthan. These women are wearing colourful saris. This photo conveys a traditional vision of rural India. Women have daily chores, they have to fetch water and wood every day since they have no access to running water and need fuel for their stoves. This picture gives / conveys an impression of peace and quiet. It is a surprising vision of India. Indeed, India is usually associated with the jungle, overcrowded / overpopulated cities such as Kolkata or Mumbai, slums or shantytowns, white palaces (Taj Mahal), Hinduism, Gandhi and decolonization, Bollywood films, hi-tech (Bangalore = the Indian Silicon Valley), the Ganges, Bénarès in French (= Varanasi). People have stereotypes in mind.

3 Correction de l’écoute type bac et résumé ➼ Part 1: The journalist points out / underlines / stresses the................. in India: on the one hand a new India is indeed...................., an.................... India where people are on average younger,.................. educated, ambitious. Some of them are................ / well-off. They enjoy a higher standard of living and have better prospects for the future. But on the other hand, the vast...................... of people still live in rural areas in................... conditions. They can’t make ends meet. They are still................... / needy, living below the poverty line. Many of them are illiterate, struggling to feed their families. In short, there is a striking contrast between urban and rural India. The gap between rich and poor, urban and rural populations, literate and illiterate people is still.................... ➼ Part 2: The photographer also criticizes his country for being held backwards by ancient traditions, such as the................ system. Yet he also sees new trends. And what characterizes his country in the end is confusion, that’s what he loves about his country. ➼ Part 3: Since so much remains to be done before India really joins the group of.................... countries, he wants to use his work as a witness of those huge changes. He intends to show the....................reality. He wants to make the viewer aware of the huge capacities of his country and of the tremendous................... that must still be overcome.

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