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March 2016. Geography, Culture, Europe, Russia, Southwest Asia, Africa.

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Presentation on theme: "March 2016. Geography, Culture, Europe, Russia, Southwest Asia, Africa."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 2016

2 Geography, Culture, Europe, Russia, Southwest Asia, Africa

3 Geography What is geography? The study of the earth’s features and its people.

4 Geography What are the similarities and differences between globes and maps? Globes are spheres maps are flat.

5 Geography Why are there different map projections? No map projection can show the earth accurately.

6 Geography What type of map would you use to find state boundaries? Political map

7 Geography What type of map would you use to find elevation, land forms and water forms? Physical map

8 Geography What type of map would you use to find population density? Population map

9 Geography What type of map would you use to find economic activity? Thematic map

10 Geography A piece of the Earth’s crust that moves and creates landforms. Tectonic plate

11 Geography A substance that forms plate movement along fault lines. Magma

12 Geography A land feature that is formed when surface plates crush together. Volcano

13 Geography A giant wave that can be caused by volcanic eruptions. Tsunami

14 Geography When rocks along a crack in the Earth’s surface move. Fault

15 Geography Something that results in the movement along fault lines. Earthquake

16 Geography A long narrow ban of volcanoes in the Pacific Ocean. Ring of fire

17 Geography A flat treeless plane with permanently frozen ground. Tundra

18 Geography A large area of coniferous forest stretching through Russia. Taiga

19 Geography Which continent is known as the peninsula of peninsulas? Europe

20 Geography Which continent is the largest? Asia

21 Geography Which continent is the second largest? Africa

22 Government Hereditary ruler that serves as a symbol for the nation. Constitutional monarchy

23 Government One person holds complete power over government. Dictatorship

24 Government Citizens vote and participate in government first hand. Direct democracy

25 Government Citizens elect government officials to represent them. Representative democracy

26 Government Leaders of one political party who have power over government, economy, and society. Totalitarianism

27 Government Heredity ruler who holds power over government, economy, and society. Absolute monarchy

28 Government A small group of people who control the government. Oligarchy

29 Government When people move for a positive reason? Pull factor

30 Government When people move for a negative reason? Push factor

31 Culture List the three monotheistic religions we have studied. Judaism Christianity Islam

32 Culture Beliefs and behavior shared by a group of people. Culture

33 Culture is…the “blueprint for living”.

34 Culture To leave the country of your birth to live in another country. Emigrate

35 Culture To enter another country to live. Immigrate.

36 Culture People who flee a country because of violence, war, or persecution. Refugee

37 Europe What two mountains separate Western and Southern Europe? Alps and Pyrenees

38 Europe Political and economic system of the Middle Ages. feudalism

39 Europe What makes the Middle Ages a transition between ancient and modern times? Religious theories weakened as people became more educated.

40 Europe What is another name for World War I. The Great War

41 Europe Which country was forced to accept blame for World War I? Germany

42 Europe The German government supporting the murder of 6 million Jews. Holocaust

43 Europe German leader during the Holocaust. Adolf Hitler

44 Europe Was the Holocaust during World War I or II? World War II

45 Europe What was the turning point in Western European history? Industrial Revolution

46 Europe What made the Industrial Revolution possible? Coal

47 Europe The conflict between the United States and Russia after World War II. Cold War

48 Europe A group whose goal is to strengthen trade among countries in Europe. European Union

49 Europe What did the European Union improve upon to promote trade? Transportation

50 Europe Which ancient European country does the United States base its democracy? Greece

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