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세계언어비교입문 3: Writing systems. 과제 한 언어를 택해 ( 영어, 한국어 제외 ), 그 언어 에서 단어형성이 어떻게 되는지 지난 주에 배웠던 단어형성과정을 중심으로 설명하시 오. 표지 없이 A4 용지 2 장 이내로 작성. 제출기한 : 11 월 12 일.

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Presentation on theme: "세계언어비교입문 3: Writing systems. 과제 한 언어를 택해 ( 영어, 한국어 제외 ), 그 언어 에서 단어형성이 어떻게 되는지 지난 주에 배웠던 단어형성과정을 중심으로 설명하시 오. 표지 없이 A4 용지 2 장 이내로 작성. 제출기한 : 11 월 12 일."— Presentation transcript:

1 세계언어비교입문 3: Writing systems

2 과제 한 언어를 택해 ( 영어, 한국어 제외 ), 그 언어 에서 단어형성이 어떻게 되는지 지난 주에 배웠던 단어형성과정을 중심으로 설명하시 오. 표지 없이 A4 용지 2 장 이내로 작성. 제출기한 : 11 월 12 일

3 Overview of this week The basic types of modern writing systems The history of writing

4 The relationship between the spoken language and its writing system

5 Types of writing symbols pictograms ( 그림문자, 회화문자 ) ideograms ( 表意문자 ) logogram ( 表語문자 ) phonograms ( 表音문자 ) –syllable character ( 음절문자 ) –alphabet ( 알파벳 )

6 The basic types of modern writing systems Logographic writing Syllabic writing Alphabetic writing –the true alphabetic system –the consonantal alphabet –the intermediate system

7 Logographic writing In logographic writing systems each character represents a separate element of meaning (i.e. word).

8 Logographic writing (cont.) Combining a phonetic and a semantic component to create new characters to represent ideas has been productive in the historical development of the Chinese writing system.

9 Syllabic writing Each symbol represents a syllable. The total set of characters that are used for a given language is referred to as a syllabary. Ancient Persian, Cherokee, Japanese

10 Syllabic writing (cont.) The Japanese language is suited for syllabic writing because all words in Japanese can be phonologically represented by about one hundred syllables, mot of the consonant-vowel type, and there are no underlying consonant clusters. The Japanese syllabaries: katakana and hirakana

11 Syllabic writing (cont.) Japanese

12 Syllabic writing (cont.) Cherokee

13 Alphabet writing the true alphabetic system the consonantal alphabet the intermediate system

14 Consonantal alphabet writing Only the consonants in words are written, with the vowels left out. Arabic alphabets, Biblical Hebrew writings Consonantal alphabets work for these languages because consonants form the root of most words. katab ‘to write’ aktib‘I write’ kitab‘a book’

15 Consonantal alphabet writing (cont.) Hebrew

16 Consonantal alphabet writing (cont.) jst lk y cn rd ths phrs, prvdng y knw nglsh Ths sntnc s wrttn wth th vwl smbls lft t

17 Consonantal alphabet writing (cont.) Semitic alphabets provide a way to use diacritic marks to express vowels. In Hebrew, dots or other small figures are placed under, above, or even in the center of the consonantal letter to indicate the accompanying vowel. [l][lE]

18 Alphabetic writing The Roman (or Latin) alphabet is used in English and other European languages, Swahili, Turkish, Indonesian, Vietnamese. The Cyrillic alphabet is used in Russian and other Slavic languages like Serbian, Bulgarian, and Ukrainian (cf. Some Slavic languages like Polish and Czech use the Roman alphabet.) Hangul

19 Alphabetic writing (cont.) The Cyrillic alphabet

20 Intermediate system All symbols automatically have a following vowel sound (usually short [a] or [«]), unless another vowel symbol is used. Devana#gari# used by Sanskrit, Hindi, Marathi, Nepali

21 Devana#gari#

22 Exercise



25 The history of writing pictograms ideograms cuneiform ( 楔形문자, 쐐기문자 ) hieroglyphic ( 象形문자 ) the rebus principle Phoenician writing (the West Semitic Syllabary) the Greek alphabet

26 Pictograms

27 Pictograms (cont.) Comparison of some pictograms

28 Ideograms Egyptian hieroglyphs ( 象形문자 )

29 Cuneiform Cuneiform symbols began as pictograms and later became logograms. Sumerian pictograms to cuneiform

30 The rebus principle A rebus is a representation of words by pictures of objects whose names sound like the word. If  stood for sun in English, it could then be used in a sentence like My  is a doctor.

31 From cuneiform to syllabic alphabet The simplified syllabic alphabet used by the Persians (600-400 BC)

32 Consonantal Alphabet Phoenician writing symbols

33 True alphabet The Greek alphabet

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