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Interactive Student Notebooks Naomi Oliver 7 th Grade Geography and Reading West View Middle School.

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Presentation on theme: "Interactive Student Notebooks Naomi Oliver 7 th Grade Geography and Reading West View Middle School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interactive Student Notebooks Naomi Oliver 7 th Grade Geography and Reading West View Middle School

2 WHAT IS AN INTERACTIVE STUDENT NOTEBOOK? Learning tool that helps students to organize, record and process content. Students learn to use critical-thinking skills, creativity and are often motivated to higher-order thinking. Students use both sides of the pages in their notebooks.

3 WHAT IS AN INTERACTIVE NOTEBOOK? This is a good place for “testable” information. It serves as a portfolio and a record of student progress and learning through the year. This is a learner-centered approach that engages students in the learning process and gives them some room for choice and creativity.

4 HOW DO YOU USE AN INTERACTIVE NOTEBOOK? One side (right) is used to record info - INPUT. On the other side (left) students process or internalize the info while doing a task that uses that material - OUTPUT. You can assign activities for the left side, or you can provide options.

5 Language Arts Examples

6 Math Example

7 Science Example

8 Social Studies Example

9 Points to Consider Have specific guidelines Consider the items you need to include Think ahead about possible situations How to organize and collect the notebooks

10 Create Your Own ISN Lesson Consider one standard and/or topic that you cover. What is the information that you need to provide for the right side? What is an example of an activity that could be done on the left side?

11 Where to Get This Information NAOMI OLIVER – WEST VIEW MIDDLE My website: (click on the Teacher Resources link) Email me:


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