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APAIE – let us gather around It’s for APAIE, you’re Australia-bound Melbourne-APAIE, voted best of world’s towns That is why we are so happy.

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Presentation on theme: "APAIE – let us gather around It’s for APAIE, you’re Australia-bound Melbourne-APAIE, voted best of world’s towns That is why we are so happy."— Presentation transcript:


2 APAIE – let us gather around It’s for APAIE, you’re Australia-bound Melbourne-APAIE, voted best of world’s towns That is why we are so happy

3 APAIE – make international friends Learn at APAIE, about global trends Education, Asia-Pacific, beyond Many ways to form connections

4 It’s fun to be here at A P A I E They have everything on higher education You can hang out with Australians! It’s fun to be here at A P A I E

5 A P A I E You can pat a koala, you can see circus fun Or just relax in the hot Aussie sun It’s fun to be here at A P A I E

6 APAIE, President Uchida We say “Thank-You”, “Do-mo Arigatoo” And “Thank-You” to the team based in Seoul Running APAIE is a really big role

7 Next is an Aussie President Already breaking all precedents Smashing booth sales & the conference is full Thanks to so many great people

8 It’s fun to be here at A P A I E And the APAIE BOD, you are all sensations From advising to conference presentations It’s fun to be here at A P A I E

9 A P A I E Take a tour of the town or the Great Ocean Road Or check out the surrounding co-hosts It’s fun to be here at A P A I E

10 Co-hosts: Melbourne, Deakin & Fed. We said co-hosts: ACU, Swinburne, Vic. More co-hosts: La Trobe, Monash, RMIT Enough to make this a sure hit!

11 APAIE – along with APRU, NAFSA, EAIE, IEAA, IEASA Together with our fellow regional groups We’ve got the whole world covered - whew!

12 It’s fun to be here at A P A I E Thank-you; we hope you had fun See you next year with your hosts in Taiwan It’s fun to be here at A P A I E

13 A P A I E A P A I E

14 APAIE-Melbourne: great food and great wine what a blast of a time!

15 It’s fun to be here at A P A I E A P A I E

16 APAIE-Melbourne: great food and great wine what a blast of a time!

17 A P A I E !

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