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Patty Hacker South Dakota State University Department of HPER PETE Program Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Patty Hacker South Dakota State University Department of HPER PETE Program Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Patty Hacker South Dakota State University Department of HPER PETE Program Coordinator

2  How do we enhance motor development knowledge of PETE students? ◦ How do we link theory to practice (apply what they have learned)? ◦ How will we know they have learned this content?

3  Will using the Boost Up activities clarify for PETE students the role movement plays in promoting academic success in the classroom? ◦ SMART/Boost Up- Stimulating Maturity through Accelerated Readiness Training

4  At the pre-school/kindergarten level early “diagnosis” of developmental movement delays can help offset later academic stress  Readiness for learning is not just cognitive, but tied to psychomotor development as well

5  Research design quasi-experimental  Human Subjects approval  Test administration (tests)tests  PETE student assessments

6  Observations of peers  Self reflections  “What I KNOW, what I WANT to know and what I LEARNED” (KWL)  Reflective journal writing  Story panels  Reflections regarding performance of “their” kindergarten students

7  Content analysis of reflective writing, story panels, peer and self observations  Focus groups  Think aloud process  Possible pre- and post knowledge of motor development principles

8  Presentations on campus to other faculty, particularly to ECE faculty  Presentation at national and state association (if proposal is accepted for presentation)  Submitted to peer reviewed journals in my discipline as well as related disciplines (as necessary)

9  Not ready- the actual research design, the story panels, specifics of the use of reflective writing  Remaining question- how best to measure how PETE students are making sense of what they are learning- or not!

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