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Haryana PWD (B&R) welcomes Hon’ble members Subject Committee, Haryana Vidhan Sabha.

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1 Haryana PWD (B&R) welcomes Hon’ble members Subject Committee, Haryana Vidhan Sabha



4  National Highways in the State –15 Nos.  Total length --1565 Kms.  Haryana PWD B&R maintains 6 No. NH’s (21 A, 64, 71 B, 72, 73 A, Extn of 709 & part of NH-10) with total length 426 Kms.  NH’s entrusted to NHAI (9 Nos. with total length – 1139 Kms. 1, 2, 8, 22, 65, 71, 71A, 73, & part of NH-10) ACTIVITIES OF NATIONAL HIGHWAYS



7  Ban of mining and quarrying in Haryana from 1st February, 2010 till to date.  Only lapsable budget of Haryana PWD are NH(O) and Periodical Renewal. Upto 31.03.2013HaryanaPunjabHimachal Pradesh Length of NH maintained (in Kms)54111591390 NH(O)Budget25105110 Expenditure7995 Periodic RenewalBudget14.3131.5968.15 Expenditure15.0331.2154.20 Upto 31.03.2012HaryanaPunjabHimachal Pradesh Length of NH maintained (in Kms)54111591390 NH(O) Budget100124136 Expenditure98.1694.2381.10 Periodic Renewal Budget16.7914.7830.06 Expenditure17.2111.7725.30 COMPARISON WITH NEIGHBORING STATES

8 BUDGET ALLOCATION AND EXPENDITURE DURING THE LAST TWO YEARS Year2011-122012-13 Type of WorkAllocationExpenditureAllocationExpenditure OW100.00*98.1675.00*78.51 PR16.7917.2114.3114.92 Total116.79115.3789.3193.43 OR3.104.563.784.05 FDR(c)1.531.2800.13 FDR(n)0.200.1700 S/R(c)0.00-00 S/R(n)0.00-00 Total4.836.013.784.18 G. Total121.62121.3893.0997.61 *Budget originally was Rs.81(11-12) cr. and Rs.25.79 (12-13)cr. and subsequently increased.

9 PHYSICAL PROGRESS OF NATIONAL HIGHWAYS (OW) DURING LAST 2-YEARS. Financial year Expenditure (Rs. In Lacs) Physical progress Achieved (Kms) Periodical Renewal 3054 R&B (C) Original works under 5054 R&B (C) Wdg. To 2- lane Strengt hening Raisin g Hard Shoulde ring Four Lanin g Conc. Pave ment Total 2011-129810.8811.10181.670.0017.007.590.00217.3669.11 2012-137851.501.8896.250.00 2.630.00100.7642.64 Total17662.3812.98277.920.0017.0010.220.00318.12111.75

10 YEAR WISE DETAILS OF PROJECTS SANCTIONED DURING LAST TWO YEARS. YearNo. of ProjectsLength (Kms.)Amount (Rs. In Cr.) SubmittedSanctionedSubmittedSanctionedSubmittedSanctioned 2011-122919117.2654.49225.3589.17 2012-13239164.91117.51178.1250.92 Total5228282.17172.00403.47140.09

11  The Annual plan of Rs. 183.66 crores has been approved for the year 2013-14.  This includes Rs. 115.66 cr. for road works and Rs. 68.00 cr. for bridge works.  Estimates for Rs. 219.25 cr submitted to MoRT&H.  Out of these, 7 estimates Rs. 82.53 crores for the improvement of 13.25 kms. have been sanctioned.  In addition one estimate of ROB at Dabwali of Rs. 47 crore sanctioned and entrusted to NHAI. CURRENT FINANCIAL YEAR (2013-14) ANNUAL PLAN

12 BUDGET ALLOCATION AND EXPENDITURE FOR THE CURRENT FINANCIAL YEAR Year2013-14 Type of WorkAllocationExpenditure (upto 31.12.13) OW44.0023.52 PR13.757.02 Total57.7530.54 OR2.222.30 FDR(c)00 FDR(n)0.400 S/R(c)00 S/R(n)00 Total2.622.30 G. Total60.3732.84 Rs. in Crore

13 MAINTENANCE WORKS 2013-14 (a)Periodical Renewal:- 7 estimates worth Rs. 54.92 crores for 66.66 kms submitted to MoRT&H for approval. Out of these, 2 Estimates worth Rs.16.94 crores for a length of 34.48 kms. have been sanctioned till date. (b)Ordinary Repairs:- Allocation of Rs. 2.22 crores has been received and an expenditure of Rs. 2.30 crores has been incurred till 30.11.13.

14 PERIODICAL RENEWAL (a)Estimate Sanctioned by MOR&TH IRQ in Km. 161.02 to 184.550 between Jui & Loharu for Rs. 1216.71 lac. PR in km. 1.35 to 4.70, 46.150 to 47.100 & 54.00 to 64.00 Rewari Town & between Sohna to Palwal for Rs. 476.89 lac (b)Estimates submitted & pending with MOR&TH:- D/E for PR in Km 186.00 to 200.000, 224.600 to 226.600 & 250.00 to 252.00 between Fatehbad and Sirsa. IRQ in Km. 11.200 to 17.500 vill. Nanakpur to State Border. D/E for PR/IRQ in km. 0.00 to 0.035 & 1.35 to 4.70. Rewari Town. D/E for PR/IRQ in km. 49.350 to 50.800 Sohna Town. IRQ in km. 0.00 to 0.645 in Ambala City Baldev Nagar.

15 DETAILS OF PROJECTS OF NH(ORIGINAL) SANCTIONED Under Head 5054 R&B (C) Sr. No. OldNewName of WorkLengthSanctione d Cost (in lacs) 1.709 Extn. Strengthening in km.116.570 to 123.5206.95737.19 2.71B919Strengthening & Imp. by pvdg. Rigid parement in km.26.650 to 32.950 6.30958.16 3.73A907Widening of culverts on Jagadhari- Chhachhrouli- Ponta road 69.57 4.21A, 72 & 73A 105, 344, 7 & 907 Providing road safety items i/c imp. of junctions983.07 5.737Widening of bridge at 45.050 on Local Nallaha46.49 6.727Recontn/Rehabilitation i/c Bed protection work of Roon Nadi Bridge at RD 39.900 605.31 7.727Rehabilitation of Dhanana Nadi Bridge at RD 20.800 128.00 Revised amount of Sr. No. 7145.94

16 DETAILS OF PROJECTS OF NH(ORIGNAL) SUBMITTED 1.NHsPayment of afforstation charges to be made to forest deptt. under the jurisdiction of P-II Hsr. 101.11 2.71B9194-laning of NH Imp. by Pvdg. Rigid Pavement in km.20.500 to 22.690 & 23.100 to 23.405 in Bhiwadi town 2.501760.64 3.71B9194-laning in km.50.800 to 53.5002.702212.90 4.71B9194-laning in km.4.700 to 13.300 between Rewari Town & NH-8 8.607218.32 5.71B919Re Constn. of bridge on JLN canal at RD 4.300, Silani drain at RD 58.360 & Gdn. Canal at RD 60.400 727.44 6.71B919DPR for 4 laning from km.26.650 to 47.100 & 54.00 to 78.940 i/c realingment in km.47.100 to 49.350. 56.73 7.72344D/E for feasibility study for the re-constn. of bridges on Tangri Nadi at RD 14.600 & on Omla Nadi at RD 16.500 79.56 8.73A907D/E for appointment of Financial consultant for taking up the project on OMT basis in km.0.00 to 45.880 21.25 9.709 ExtnConstn. of side drain from km.145.100 to 145.100 to 145.600 in Gola Garh village 30.88

17 WORKS IN PROGRESS DURING THE CURRENT YEAR Sr. No. NH No. Old New Name of WorkSanctioned Cost Length involved (Kms.) Present status of works 1.71B 919 4 laning in km.17.700 to 20.500 964.322.800Work physically completed 2.65 152 Strengthening by raising in km.32.00 to 33.54 in Ismailabad town 522.511.54Work completed 3.71B 919 Strengthening in km.32.950 to 37.100 692.454.15Work physically completed (contd.)

18 Sr. No. NH No. Old New Name of WorkSanctioned Cost Length involved (Kms.) Present status of works 4.71B 919 Strengthening & Imp. By pvdg. Rigid pavement in km.26.650 to 32.950 958.166.30Tender apd. By H.O. on 26.11.13 5.72 344 Strengthening in km.1.00 to 9.23 2027.008.236.48km. E/W, 5.73 WMM, 5.43 DBM, 6.63 BC, Utility duct 2 nos., side drain 2500m, 8 h/p & 3 box type culvert completed (contd.)

19 Sr. No. NH No. Old New Name of WorkSanctioned Cost Length involved (Kms.) Present status of works 6.72 344 IRQP in km.13.75 to 19.00 between Ambala & Shahzadpur 516.325.25Work completed 6/13 7.73A 907 IRQP by pdg. 40mm BC in km.28.00 to 45.00 374.1017.88Work completed 6/13 8.709 Extn. Strengthening in km.116.570 to 123.520. 737.196.952.5km. DBM completed (contd.)

20 Sr. No. NH No. Old New Name of WorkSanctioned Cost Length involved (Kms.) Present status of works 9.Extn 709 IRQP in km.113.930 to 181.41 in scattered reaches. (DNIT appd for km.125.00 to 162.50) 919.2037.50Work completed 5/13 10.65 152 Reconstruction of bridge on Balasamand Distt at km.194.100 450.711Work completed 7/13 11.65 152 Rehabilitation of ROB in km.1.8 to 2.20 at A/city 524.641Work is about to start (contd.)

21 Sr. No. NH No. Old New Name of WorkSanctioned Cost Length involved (Kms.) Present status of works 12.71 352 Constn. Of 4-lane bridge over drain No.8 crossing NH-71 at km.349.100 603.001Work completed 6/13 13.71B 919 Constn. of 2 no. box type culvert 2x3x3xmtr. Span at km.31.00 & 53.200 441.272Diversion at RD 53.200 completed 14.73A 907 Extn. Of bridge at 30.820 near Tajewala 46.461Work completed (contd.)

22 Sr. No. NH No. Old New Name of WorkSanctioned Cost Length involved (Kms.) Present status of works 15.73A 907 Widening of culverts on Jagadhari- Chhachhrouli-Ponta road 69.57Work completed 16.21A, 72 & 73A Providing road safety items i/c imp. of junctions 983.07Tender appd. On 11.12.13. Likely DOS 2.01.14 17.72 7 Widening of bridge at 45.050 on local Nallaha. 46.49DNIT appd. Tender called on 22.01.14 (contd.)

23 Sr. No. NH No. Old New Name of WorkSanctioned Cost Length involved (Kms.) Present status of works 18.72 7 Rehabilitation of Dhanana Nadi bridge at RD 20.800 128.00R/E submitted on 20.12.13 19.72 7 Recontn./Rehabilitation i/c bed protection work of Roon Nadi bridge at RD 39.900 605.31R/E submitted on 20.12.13 G. Total11609.7790.60

24 WORKS OF PERIODICAL RENEWAL IN PROGRESS Sr. No. NH No. Old New Name of WorkSanctioned Cost Length involved (Kms.) Present status of works 1.65 152 Renewal in km.0.00 to 15.00 282.1015.00Road Work completed 2.71B 919 Periodical Renewal in km.64.00 to 77.35 345.2613.25Work physically completed 3.709 Extn. IRQP in km.161.02 to 184.550 between Jui & Loharu 1216.7123.5318 km. BM completed 4.71B 919 PR in km.1.35 to 4.70, 46.150 to 47.100 & 54.00 to 64.00 Rewari town & between Sohna to Palwal 476.8910.95Tender appd. By H.O. on 16.09.13 G. Total2320.9662.83

25 PROJECTS TAKEN UP BY NHAI IN HARYANA Sr. No. Detail1999 to 20052005 to 2013-14 1.Projects completed346.14 crores3175 crores 2.Projects in progressNIL6706 crores Total investment346.14 crore9881 crores 3.Projects in Pipe lineNIL5266 crores

26 NH-8 Gurgaon-Jaipur

27 PROJECTS COMPLETED (1999-2005 Previous Govt.)  4 Laning of Gurgaon to Kotputli NH-8  Total Project Length 125.78km  Total Project Cost 346.14 crore  Project Length in Haryana 46.14 kms.

28 NH-8 Gurgaon-Jaipur

29  Panipat Elevated Highway on NH- 1(Km 86 to 96) Total Length 10 km. Elevated Portion 3.4 km. Three under passes Cost Rs. 300 crore Completed July, 2008  Six / Eight Laning of NH-8 from Delhi Border to Haldi Ram Chowk (Km 24.00 to 42.00) Total Length 18 km. Fly overs at Udyog Vihar, IFFCO Chowk, South City, Sector-31 Gurgaon, Jharsa Chowk & Rajiv Chowk Cost Rs. 700 crore Completed July, 2008 PROJECTS COMPLETED 2005 TO 2013-14 (PRESENT GOVT.) (CONTD.)

30 NH-8 Delhi Border to Haldi Ram Chowk

31  Four Laning of NH-22 in Ambala portion (Km 5.23 to Km. 10.89) Date of completion; November, 2008. App. investment: Rs. 60 crores. 5.66 km (in Haryana)  Four Laning of NH-22 from Zirakpur to Kalka (Km. 39.56 to 62.20). Date of completion; March, 2012. App. investment: Rs. 300 crores. Length 22.64 km.  Six Laning of NH-1 from Murthal to Panchi Gujran (Km 44.30 to 66), with flyovers at Gannaur & Murthal. Date of completion; 22nd Oct, 2010. App. investment: Rs. 80 crores. Length 21.7kms.  Six Laning of NH-1 from Panchi Gujran to Kamaspur (Km 66.00 to 86.00) with flyover at Samalkha. Date of completion; 28th February, 2010. App. investment: Rs. 125 cores. Length 20 kms. (CONTD.)

32  Six Laned Elevated Highway on NH-2 at Badarpur (Km 16.70 to 19.70). Date of completion: September, 2010 App. investment Rs. 340 crores. Length 3 kms.  Four/ Six Laning of NH-71A Rohtak-Panipat (Km. 0.00 to 73.00) By-passes at Rohtak, Brahamanwas, Jasia-Ghilaur Kalan-Rukhi, Mahra, Gohana and Panipat. App. investment Rs. 620 crores. Length 83.650kms. Date of completion :December, 2013  Four Laning of NH-71 Rohtak-Bawal Section (Km. 363.30 to 450.80) with by-passes at Rewari, Silani and Sudana. Date of completion: August, 2013 App. investment Rs. 650 crores. Length 83.650 Total Investment = Rs.3175 crores. 268 kms Length

33 NH-71 Rohtak-Bawal Section


35 NH-8 Gurgaon-Jaipur

36 NH-71A Rohtak-Panipat Section




40 NH-71 Rohtak Bawal Section



43 NHAI PROJECTS IN PROGRESS  Four/ Six Laning of NH-10 from Bahadurgarh to Rohtak (Km 29.70 to 87.00) Two by-passes at Bahadurgarh &Rohtak. Likely date of completion; June, 2014. App. investment: Rs. 500 crores Length 57.30kms.  Six Laning of NH-1 from Panipat to Ambala (Km 96 to 212). Likely date of completion: March, 2014 (work held up due to litigation) App. investment Rs. 735 crores. Length 116kms.  Six Laning of NH-8 from Haldi Ram Chowk to Rajasthan Border (Km 42.00 to 107.00). Likely date of completion: October, 2014. App. investment Rs. 800 crores. Length 65kms. (CONTD.)

44  Six Laning of NH-2 Delhi-Palwal-Agra road (Km 20.500 to Km 199.600). Likely date of completion: September, 2014 App. investment Rs. 890 crores. Length 73.30 kms.  Four Laning of NH-71 Jind-Rohtak Section (Km. 295.300 to 352.500). Date of start: December, 2013 App. investment Rs. 1100 crores. Length 48.60kms.  Four Laning of NH-71 Punjab Border to Jind (Km. 238.695to 295.300) Date of start: December, 2013. App. investment Rs. 462 crores. Length 69.35 kms (CONTD.)

45  Four Laning of NH-73 Panchkula-Saha-Yamunanagar-U.P. Border (Km. 70.640 to 179.085). Likely date of start: March, 2014 App. investment Rs. 1200 crores. Length 105 kms  Four Laning of NH-10 Rohtak-Hissar section (Km 87.00 to 170.00) Bypasses at Madina, Kharkhara, Meham & Hansi. Likely date of start: June, 2014. App. investment Rs. 959 crores. Length 99kms.  Construction of ROB at Dabwali on NH-10 in Km. 315.240. Date of start : January, 2014 Likely date of completion July, 2015 App. investment Rs. 60 crores. Total Investment = Rs. 6706 crores. 623 Kms. Length

46 PROPOSED STRUCTURES NH-8 (Gurgaon-Kotputli-Jaipur section from Km. 42.700 to 273.00):  18 flyovers (at Ch. 43.640, 45.060, 47.969, 51.650, 60.647, 64.906, 67.560, 69.772,71.790, 72.825, 83.945, 85.160, 89.174, 91.530, 94.150, 96.130, 99.576 & 104.194 – 4 completed.  8 PUP/VUP (pedestrian/vehicular under pass) at Ch. 48.800, 54.171, 58.500, 66.722, 69.090, 71.002, 79.050 & 105.445 – 4 completed. NH-10 (Delhi-Rohtak section from Km. 29.70 to 87.00):  Grade Separators - 5 Nos. (2 on Bahadurgarh Bypass (at Ch. 33.445 & 38.440), 1 on existing NH-10 (at Ch. 55.470) and 2 on Rohtak Bypass (at Ch. 76.082 & 85.387.  Underpasses - 4 Nos. (1 on Bahadurgarh Bypass at Ch. 40.107) & 3 on Rohtak Bypass at Ch. 69.723, 79.212 & 91.147).  All structures completed. (CONTD.)

47 NH-71 (Rohtak-Bawal section from Km. 363.300 to 450.800) :  3 ROBs, 1 Grade Separator (at Ch. 440.231 on Rewari bypass),  8 Vehicular under passes.  1 Major bridge (at ch. 396.863 on Sabhi river).  All structures completed. NH-71 A (Rohtak-Panipat section from Km. 0.00 to 80.858):  3 ROBs (at Ch. 11.640, 22.745 & 79.875)  4 Grade Separators (at Ch. 0.00, 6.580, 41.440 & 80.858)  15 underpasses.  All structures completed.

48 PROJECTS IN PIPELINE  Four Laning of NH-65 Ambala-Kaithal Section (Km 5.00 to 91.200). Likely date of start: March, 2014 App. investment Rs. 1140 crores. Length 86.2+8.6=94.80kms.  Four Laning of NH-65 Kaithal-Narwana-Hisar-Rajasthan border Section (Km 91.200 to 241.56). Likely date of start: March, 2014. App. investment Rs. 1829 crores. Length 166 kms.  Four Laning of NH-10 Hisar-Dabwali Section (Km 170.00 to 315.55). Likely date of start: August, 2014. App. investment Rs. 1507 crores. Length 145kms. (CONTD.)

49  Construction of EPE Likely date of start: May, 2014 App. investment Rs. 700 crores. Length 48.50kms.  Six laning bridge in Rasoi on NH-1 (Km. 32.350). Likely date of start: June, 2014. App. investment Rs. 30 crores.  Construction of fly over on NH-1 at junction in Bahalgarh. Likely date of start: June, 2014 App. investment Rs. 60 crores. Total Investment = Rs. 5266 crores. 454Kms. Length


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