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The Evolution of…  Evolution (noun) (1) The process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier.

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Presentation on theme: "The Evolution of…  Evolution (noun) (1) The process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Evolution of…  Evolution (noun) (1) The process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth. (2) The gradual development of something especially from a simple to a more complex form. Evolution of Hip Hop Dancing

2 The Evolution of…  What makes that video an “evolution”?  What key characteristics does it have?  What are some other topics that lend themselves to investigating their evolution?

3 Multimedia Project Introduction  Who?  Groups of 4-5 people  What?  An oral presentation on a thought-provoking topic.  Each group member will read and report on 5 research sources related to the topic.  The group will plan a multi-media, interactive presentation lasting 45 minutes wherein they answer specific research questions and prove a thesis/theme related to their topic.

4 Multimedia Project Introduction  Circle, put large stars next to, highlight and remember this part of your handout…  Each presentation will contain:  A group outline  An individual annotated bibliography  A group presentation

5 Multimedia Project Introduction  Why?  To allow you to choose a thought-provoking topic you want to learn about.  To encourage independent research and organization.  To develop presentation and teamwork skills.  To show off all of the language arts skills you have learned in four years of high school.

6 Multimedia Project Introduction  When?  Presentations will begin March 26!  How?  You will have several class days to work with your group, and you will also need to work and practice on your own.  You will use EasyBib to gather and save all research notes, including source information and GoogleDrive to create an outline for your presentation.  Your group should make your presentation interactive, creative, and interesting by drawing from a variety of sources (listed below). Using these sources, your group will teach the class “something new” about your topic.

7 Multimedia Project Introduction  Grading  You will be graded as a group on: outline & presentation  You will be graded as an individual on: notes, annotated bibliography, & presentation

8 Each group member needs at least 5 sources (no overlapping)  You must have a VARIETY of fiction and non-fiction sources. Options: Fiction/Novel/Graphic NovelMusic Non-Fiction bookComic Strips Articles (magazine, newspaper, etc.)Viral videos/Youtube videos PoetryAdvertising Short StoriesArt Exhibits, Twitter, etc. Movies Memoir, Biography, Play  Your goal is to find highly qualified sources, not just the first thing you can Google! Think about what you learned in your 11 th grade English class.

9 Topic Selection  Topic Selection  Your topic must be able to complete the phrase “The Evolution of…”  Ultimately, you want a topic that your group is interested in learning more about over the course of the next three weeks.

10 The Evolution of…  Males and/or Females in the Media  Computers  Superhero genre  Supernatural genre  American muscle cars (type of car)  College  TV Sitcoms  Music (must pick a genre)  Fashion in music  Cartoons  Censorship  Standardized Testing  Sports (specific sport)  Gender bias in US, the world…  Education  Morals (in media, in life…)  Dance  Evolution of Beauty  Fashion (specific genre within)  Unsolved Crimes  DNA Research  Space Exploration (real or fictional)  War (weapons)  Internet Regulation  Phones/Communication  Social Media  Reality TV  Video Games  Detroit  Natural Disaster Response  Nike/Google/Apple (other famous brands)

11 Topic and Theme Process  Choose a topic  Identify a specific time period (20-50 years)  Develop 1-2 big idea research questions: Questions you have about your topic that you hope to answer through research  Research as a group and identify trends/patterns in evolution to create a provable thesis.

12 Sample Research Topic  Model: Supernatural  Research questions:  How has the supernatural been presented in literature, movies, and television from 1900-2000?  What trends exist in supernatural literature, movies, and television?  How does supernatural literature, movies, etc. affect our society?  Thesis:  Over the course of the 20 th century, the depiction of the supernatural in media and literature had a negative effect on society because it supports archaic and outdated ideals and morals.

13 Now…get to work. 1. Choose your group 4-5 people in a group. 2. Look over the list of topics/Brainstorm your own topics.  Create a list of 3-4 possible topics for research 3. Get Mrs. Satterthwaite to approve your topic(s)! 4. Create a list of 1-2 big idea research questions 5. Create a list of 5 possible SPECIFIC sources to begin researching Turn this in to Mrs. Satterthwaite by the end of the hour to complete your first step!

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