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Developing graphic design skills through the 2016 Olympics.

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1 Developing graphic design skills through the 2016 Olympics

2 Rio 2016 Starter Think of as many countries as you can that are competing in the 2016 Olympics! Africa Asia Europe North, Central America and Caribbean South America The Continents

3 Countries competing in the Olympics

4 Olympics tasks ○ Redesign the tracksuit for a country of your choice competing in the 2016 Olympics. ○ Replicate an image of an athlete of your choice competing in the 2016 Olympics. ○ Create a poster to promote a country of your choice competing in the 2016 Olympics. ○ Create an Olympic magazine cover to promote the 2016 Olympics!

5 Choose a country ○ Choose a country who will be competing in the 2016 Olympics. ○ Create a mood board with images associated with your country. ○ Consider things away from sport such as: ○ Famous landmarks ○ Famous people ○ Maps ○ Colours associated with your country ○ Important historical events

6 Mood board example Can you work out the country?

7 Mood board ○ Add a print screen of your mood board here!

8 Redesign the tracksuit for a country of your choice competing in the 2016 Olympics. Using fireworks software, redesign the tracksuit for a country of your choice. Essential: The final image should include a clear change in kit design. Stretch: The design should include colours associated with the country of choice. Challenge: The final design should look professional.

9 Kit design template ○ Use this template for your kit design or feel free to create your own.

10 Kit design ○ Add a print screen of your team kit here.

11 Replicate an image of an athlete of your choice competing in the 2016 Olympics. Using Fireworks and the ‘tracing’ tool, replicate the face of a Olympic star. Essential: Create a basic sketch of an Olympic athlete of your choice using basic graphic design skills. Stretch: The drawing can be either realistic or abstract but makes a resemblance of the chosen athlete using good graphic design skills. Challenge: The design makes use of advanced graphic design skills which includes distinctive details that resemble the athlete.

12 Athlete replication Chosen Athlete: ○ Add a print screen of the Athlete you have chosen. Your version ○ Add a print screen of your final edit.

13 Create a poster to promote a country of your choice competing in the 2016 Olympics. Create a poster to promote your chosen Olympic country which includes the following: ○ Your tracksuit design. ○ Your athlete drawing. ○ The national flag. ○ An iconic image from your chosen country, not necessarily sport related. Essential: Create a poster which includes all the above features. Stretch: Include all the features above in a creative way which utilises good graphic design skills. Challenge: The poster has a professional look to it and includes additional features such as competition and sponsorship logos.

14 Poster design ○ Essential: Produce a sketch design to show the layout and features you want to include in your poster here. ○ Stretch: Annotate any important design features you feel appropriate.

15 Poster design ○ Print screen your poster design here.

16 Finished poster ○ Print screen your poster here.

17 Feedback Ask a friend to review your poster: 1. Write two things you like about the poster: 1. Write two things you think could be improved:

18 Final poster ○ Print screen your final poster here.

19 Olympic magazine cover ○ Essential: To create an Olympic magazine cover that promotes the 2016 Olympics which includes a title and at least one image of an athlete. ○ Stretch: To create an Olympic magazine cover that promotes the 2016 Olympics which includes a clear title, a consistent ‘house style’ and a montage of suitable images. ○ Challenge: To create an Olympic magazine cover that promotes the 2016 Olympics which includes all the Stretch features and looks of near professional quality.

20 Olympics magazine cover What similarities do you notice between the three covers shown below? Consider: Titles, Writing, Images, Colours and other features.

21 Olympics magazine cover ○ Print screen your magazine cover here.

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