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Welcome to Your Library. Basic Rules When you come with your class, line up and wait for everyone else including your teacher before entering the library.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Your Library. Basic Rules When you come with your class, line up and wait for everyone else including your teacher before entering the library."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Your Library

2 Basic Rules When you come with your class, line up and wait for everyone else including your teacher before entering the library. You will not be allowed to enter without your teacher.

3 Enter quietly and stay that way, this is the library. Sit 2 per table facing each other. Boys will sit facing the west and girls facing the east. You will have 5 minutes to find a book, use them; don’t waste time visiting in the stacks. You may check-out 2 books for 3 weeks and they may be renewed once. There will be a fine of 10¢ per school day for each book not turned in on time. It is your responsibility to return your books, not your teacher’s or mine.

4 You don’t need to come into the library to turn in a book, there is an exterior book drop on the west side of the library facing the drink machines. Even if the librarian is not here or the library is closed, you can still turn in your books. When she is here the book drop is checked several times a day. If you are absent on your due date, return the book(s) the day you get back to school and tell the librarian about the situation so you can be forgiven for the days you were absent. These books are checked out to you, if they are lost or stolen, you must pay for them. If your library record isn’t clear, you will not check-out books and other school privileges may be revoked. These records are carried over to the next year and your next school. This is money owed to the DeSoto ISD, not just the library.

5 Whenever a group is called to the circulation desk please make a straight line in front of the circulation computer. After you have chosen your library books, please line up in the same way.

6 To check-out a book you need to have a clear library record and your ID. To come to the library without your class requires a written “Library Pass.” Anytime you come to the library alone or with friends you will sign in the binder and place your library pass in the basket. The library is open at 7:30 in the morning and is not open after school. Enter the library for Morning Library at the east door, the side across from the water fountains, restrooms and elevator.

7 There are 15 desk top computers for student use black and white printing is available to the students at the cost of 15¢ a page. Please take note, the books are pulled to the front. This makes finding books easier. Don’t push the books back.

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