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Annelida. General Facts ● Annelida are ( colorful feather-duster worm's). ● Common earthworms, and bloodsucking leeches are all members of the phylum.

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Presentation on theme: "Annelida. General Facts ● Annelida are ( colorful feather-duster worm's). ● Common earthworms, and bloodsucking leeches are all members of the phylum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annelida

2 General Facts ● Annelida are ( colorful feather-duster worm's). ● Common earthworms, and bloodsucking leeches are all members of the phylum annelida. ● Annelida is in the Oligochaeta Class. ● Annelidas generally live in soil or in fresh water. ● Segmentation is the most distinctive feature of annelids. ● The phylum Annelida consist of about 15,000 species.


4 Adaptation’s and Facts ● The 32 nd to 37 th segments make up an organ called the clitellum It plays a role in the reproduction of earthworms, secreting a mucus that holds togother two earthworms as they mate. ● Earthworms contain both female organs, as well as male organs, making them hermaphrodites. ● The largest earthworm ever recorded was found in South Africa. From its nose to its tail it measured 22 feet long. ● Some earthworms are able to live from 4-8 years. In ideal conditions where there are no predators, some earthworms are even able to live up to 10 years.

5 Terms ● Segmented-Divided into or made up of distinct parts. ● Hermaphrodite-An animal possessing both male and female reproductive organs. The earthworm (Lumbricus) is a common example. ● Oligochaeta- few bristles.

6 Visual Aid arthworm/lumbricus- terrestris/video- 01.html ● http://videos.howstuff ech-videos- playlist.htm# http://videos.howstuff ech-videos- playlist.htm#

7 Specific Species Kingdom Animalia Phylum Annelida Order Haplotaxida Suborder Lumbricina Family Megascolecidae Species Amynthas corticisAnimaliaAnnelida HaplotaxidaLumbricinaMegascolecidae Habitat-rich soil Size-1 in. (2.5 cm) to the 11-ft (330-cm) Food-filter feed through soil

8 Species #2 Kingdom Animalia Phylum Annelida Order Haplotaxida Suborder Lumbricina Family Lumbricidae Species Aporrectodea caliginosaAnimaliaAnnelida HaplotaxidaLumbricinaLumbricidae Habitat-rich soil Food- filter feed through soil Size-1 in. (2.5 cm) to the 11-ft (330-cm)

9 Species #3 Kingdom Animalia Phylum Annelida Class Polychaeta Family Arenicolidae Species Arenicola marinaAnimaliaAnnelida PolychaetaArenicolidae Food-filter feed through soil Size-1 in. (2.5 cm) to the 11-ft (330-cm) Habitat- rich soil

10 ● Extra Credit ● Human Interaction with animal?: good it helps the soil we use to grow things. ● Is it eaten by humans?: NO! ● Is it hunted by humans?: No! ● Does human pollution effect it?: NO! ● Is it endangered?: NO! ● Are humans trying to protect it?: no because its not endangered!

11 Citation's Citation Information Hine, Robert. "Annelida." Science Online. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 4 Apr. 2011.. "Kingdom Animalia: Annelida." Science Online. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 4 Apr. 2011.. "annelid." Science Online. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 4 Apr. 2011.. "earthworm." Science Online. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 4 Apr. 2011.. HOLT, RINEHART, and WINSTON. Modern Biology. Austin: Harcourt Classroom Education, 2002. Print

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