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I Currency What You Mean Imperial March Oh Canada… Maintain Eye Contact Famous Figures 100 200 300 400 500.

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2 I Currency What You Mean Imperial March Oh Canada… Maintain Eye Contact Famous Figures 100 200 300 400 500

3 Cur - 100 From the 16 th – 19 th centuries, an economic dependent upon the exploitation of colonies for their resources.

4 Cur - 200 A network of roads and trails that connected towns and cities from Europe to China.

5 Cur - 300 When a society shifts from an economy dependent on agriculture to one based on manufacturing.

6 Cur - 400 Cooperation and equality are the main motivators in this economic system.

7 Cur - 500 Supply and demand are the foundation of this economic system championed by Adam Smith.

8 Imperial - 100 An association between peoples that intentionally benefits one people over another

9 Imperial - 200 A belief in the superiority of European culture.

10 Imperial - 300 The view that imperialism was a service provided to non-European peoples.

11 Imperial - 400 The phrase used to describe the frenzied partition of Africa by European powers from 1885 – 1915. Also Mr. Rosychuk’s favourite breakfast!

12 Imperial - 500 A territory that “belonged” to a European country, was ruled by a European government or its representatives, and was subject to that European country.

13 Canada – 100 This agreement outlined the early relationship between Dutch traders and the Iroquois nation.

14 Canada – 200 Legislation introduced into 1867 that defines who is an “Indian”

15 Canada – 300 In Quebec, a group of Mohawks physically stopped the expansion of a golf course onto sacred land the Mohawks claimed as their own.

16 Canada – 400 Legislation that encouraged Indians to leave their status and become “fully Canadian” in order to vote.

17 Canada – 500 Characterized by treating or governing a people in a fatherly way…

18 Contact - 100 Exchange of culture, goods, language, etc. that happened in the past to which the effects are still felt today.

19 Contact - 200 The reduction of a population because of conflict, disease, loss of resources, or assimilation.

20 Contact - 300 Gradual change as a result of contact with other cultural groups.

21 Contact - 400 Ceremony practiced in the Pacific Northwest where the Chief would invite people to a gathering for speeches, singing, dancing, feasting, and witnessing of formal business.

22 Contact - 500 First Nation group that disappeared in 1829 due to increasing British competition for land and resources.

23 Figure - 100 Pacifist leader who believed the imposition of British culture on Indian citizens was unjust.

24 Figure - 200 The first Prime Minister of Canada and advocate of assimilation.

25 Figure - 300 The last of the Beothuk.

26 Figure - 400 Director of Avatar.

27 Figure - 500 Nice beard. This German philosopher believed that wealth and property should be shared by the masses.

28 Currency - 100 Mercantilism

29 Currency - 200 Silk Road

30 Currency - 300 Industrialization

31 Currency - 400 Communism

32 Currency - 500 Capitalism

33 Imperial March - 100 Imperialism

34 Imperial March - 200 Eurocentrism

35 Imperial March - 300 White Man’s Burden

36 Imperial March - 400 Scramble for Africa

37 Imperial March - 500 Colony

38 Canada – 100 Two Row Wampum Treaty

39 Canada – 200 Indian Act

40 Canada – 300 Oka Crisis

41 Canada – 400 Gradual Civilization and Enfranchisement Act

42 Canada – 500 Paternalistic

43 Contact - 100 Historical Globalization

44 Contact - 200 Depopulation

45 Contact - 300 Acculturation

46 Contact - 400 Potlach

47 Beothuk Contact -500

48 Figure - 100 Ghandi

49 Figure - 200 Sir John A. Macdonald

50 Figure - 300 Shawnadithit

51 Figure - 400 James Cameron

52 Figure - 500 Karl Marx

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