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Summer Mullen EDU671 Instructor Newton Miller August 4, 2016.

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1 Summer Mullen EDU671 Instructor Newton Miller August 4, 2016

2  Show how technology is important in early child learning  Show how computers are important for every household  Show how families with low income can get assistance in getting a computer for their child/children

3  Most schools do work on the computer  Many schools have homework and assignments that are done on computers but many families don’t have a computer in the home  Many families cant afford computers or other forms of technology because they are low income

4  Time set aside each night for learning with technology  Participants will learn as they use the computer  Participants will learn some of what they need to know for school  There are eight participants between the ages of 2 & 4

5  How technology can nurture early learning and development  The percentage of households that own computers  How technology helps early child learning in different ways  When to introduce technology and how much time they should spend using technology

6  All parents are informed  Participants will be supervised  All data is shared with minimal people  Parents know what study Intel's  Meaningful experiences and personalized learning  Allows for different types of learning tools to be used  Research has been done before, its just being updated

7  Eight participants, four are in school and four are not in school  Pre-testing to see what the participants already know  Basic computer learning  Computer activities based on participants learning level  Assessments while doing activities  Post assessment  Data collected

8 Research QuestionData Collection ToolWhy this tool? Justify its use in your study. How does it match to what you are attempting to find and to measure How does technology help support early childhood learning I will use progress monitoring and monitor and report the progress of my grandchildren, niece, nephew and little cousin This will show how that the technology is helping and is working with the children. I will report their progress if any How is technology for early learning good for toddlers and young children I will use observation in a naturalistic settings for the children every week and the observation will be done by myself, their parents, and teachers for those that have teachers This will show the children in their natural surroundings and it will show that in that this can be done at home, at a relative’s house and at school and it will show how they act differently and learn differently in the different surroundings..How do low income households get help to get technology for their children in the home I will use observation in a naturalistic settings for the children every week and the observation will be done by myself, their parents, and teachers for those that have teachers I will talk to the families of the children and find out if they are low income and research what services are out there to help them This will show that not all families are able to afford this tool in which can help their children in the long run and help show what type of resources people can reach out to, to get help.

9 Interventions will work because the participants are eager about using the computers and other technology and they also will be having fun as they are learning. “There is a rapid increase of personal computer use in American households and schools” (Xiaoming, Li., Melissa, S., Stanton, B.,).

10 1.The first step will be to see how familiar the children are with the computer and the other technology device that I plan to use this will happen on day one and day two. I have room for two days just in case I have to teach some of them how to use the mouse and the key board. 2.The second step will be to see where the children are with their learning and to see how much they already know and I will do this by using a certain learning activity one the computer from the internet and this will be on day three.

11 3.The third step will be to introduce them to the activity that fits their learning and where they are in their own development skills. I will proceed from there in observing the children and seeing how much they are learning, how much they understand and how quickly they are retaining the information that they are learning. I plan to have them doing the activities for about a week. 4.The fourth step is to evaluate how far the children have gone in the levels on the activities that they are doing on the computer this is sort of like an assessment in itself because they won’t be able to go to the next level until they pass the level that they are on.

12  Jackson, S. (2012). Technology in Early Childhood: Advice For Parents and teachers From a Trusted Source. stories/entry/technology-in-early-childhood- advice-for-parents-and-teachers-from-a-truste/  Li, X., Atkins, M.S, & Stanton, B. (2006). Effects of Home and School Computer Use School Readiness and Cognitive Development Among Head Start Children.  Teachnology. (2012). Current trends in education. Retrieved from http://www.teach-

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