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The picture of oral health… what does it look like?

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Presentation on theme: "The picture of oral health… what does it look like?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The picture of oral health… what does it look like?

2 Surgeon General  Landmark report addressing the oral health of our nation  Oral health General Health  It found our citizens needing…..

3 What one man aspired to do 

4 Oral Health  Definition of health: “freedom from disease, defect, or pain” is actually not correct  World Health Organization (1948): “health is a complete state of physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of infirmity” (HHS, 2000).

5 What does this mouth tell you?

6 How about this one?

7 What could be wrong here? Thrush Oral cancer Periodontal Disease Severe Periodontal Disease Caries (Decay) Early Childhood Caries Could it get any worse?

8 $60 BILLION  Dental bill for the country in 2000….  Staggering  What do you think it is now?  2013 National Health Expenditure 2013 National Health Expenditure reports/nationalhealthexpenddata/downloads/highlights.pdf

9 The Craniofacial Complex  What does your mouth do for you?  Taste, smell, pain, touch, temperature, speech

10 The Mouth  You knew you wanted to be a hygienist….  Because you wanted to help people?  When you were a little child in the dental office?  Or were you the unlucky estimated 130 million that don’t have dental insurance (NADP, 2009)

11 The Gatekeepers  Mucosal lining in the mouth protects from invasion  Has over 500 different strains of bacteria!

12 The teeth  Begin forming in utero  Erupting at 6 months – 2 or 3 years of age  Primary dentition  32 adult teeth each with a unique function

13 Saliva  Protects the teeth from invaders  Flow: dislodges pathogens  Composition: causes clumping of bacteria together to destroy it  Low salt content : causes bacteria to die  Antimicrobial content: lysozymes, lactoferrin, etc work to kill bacteria  Buffering: allows it to regain a normal pH after eating acidic foods

14 Immune System  Alive and present in the oral cavity  When disease is present:

15 Dental Caries  Prep of decayed tooth Prep of decayed tooth  S. Mutans: most common  Lactobacillus: root caries  pH: 5.5 on enamel  6.5 for ROOT SURFACE! (Diet Coke – 2.5)  Root Canal Therapy Root Canal Therapy  25% = children 2-5yrs with cavities; 60 yrs. and up who have lost ALL their teeth; non-Hispanic Whites 6-8 yrs have untreated  40% = Hispanic or Latinos with untreated decay at 6-8 yrs old!

16 Periodontal Disease  Calculus removal with ultrasonic Calculus removal with ultrasonic  50% = number of people in US with perio

17 What’s our nation’s oral health picture?  20% = # of dentists who take Medicaid patients  16 million (56%)= number of Medicaid children who had no dental care-2009  1 of 7 = children ages 6-12 with toothaches in 2008 Pew Center on the States, A Costly Dental Destination, February 2012, accessed 9/9/2014 at:

18 More numbers  47 million = # of Americans living in HPSAs  830,590 = number of ER visits due to preventable dental conditions (2009) 16% increase from 2006  WI = <32,000 ER visits costing $7 million  IL = ≥77,000 ER visits in Chicago alone Pew Center on the States, A Costly Dental Destination, February 2012, accessed 9/9/2014 at:

19 Our role  Understand the problem  Critically think about the solutions  Integrate the knowledge  Adopt change in our profession


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