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Positive Working Together. A power point presentation to: Give an update of the implementation of ‘Positive Working Together’ Give information about available.

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Presentation on theme: "Positive Working Together. A power point presentation to: Give an update of the implementation of ‘Positive Working Together’ Give information about available."— Presentation transcript:

1 Positive Working Together

2 A power point presentation to: Give an update of the implementation of ‘Positive Working Together’ Give information about available resources

3 Background: The Positive Working Together Conference Report focuses on combating bullying and harassment in the life of the Methodist Church. Bullying and Harassment are a source of conflict within the life of the church. The report implies the need for support and annual training for District Reconciliation Groups as a source to support those experiencing bullying or harassment

4 Function of the District Reconciliation Group: To provide a resource within the relevant District offering assistance (including assistance by way of the provision of information) in achieving reconciliation between persons in dispute; and To respond to requests for assistance from that resource made in accordance with these Standing Orders and in such additional circumstances as the relevant District may decide. Standing Order 1111 (4)

5 Positive Working Together short guide identifies the following as typical causes of conflict in church settings: Power struggles Spiritual bullying Different perspectives Different goals Different values Personality clashes Unrealistic expectations Personal issues and insecurities Ideological and theological differences

6 Implementation of the resolutions accepted by the 2015 Methodist Conference PWT Conference June 2016 at Cliff College The conference had a range of speakers and workshops with representatives attending from District Reconciliation Groups, District Complaints Groups Growing through Conflict Workshop Facilitators are attending training to lead this day workshop. It aims to give an understanding of how we respond to conflict, learning how conflict escalates and exploring basic skills to de-escalate conflict.

7 Implementation of the resolutions accepted by the 2015 Methodist Conference Shared Commitments A reflective half-day session that explores good working relationships in the Church, and looks at effective ways of managing conflict in the Church. Shared Commitments draws on the Positive Working Together – A Short Guide Bullying and Harassment Workshop A workshop is being developed by Place for Hope, and will be delivered in the second phase of the implementation of the recommendations from the conference report

8 Implementation of the resolutions accepted by the 2015 Methodist Conference Equipping and resourcing District Reconciliation Groups Place for Hope will facilitate a conversation with DRG’s within each region Relationship with the Complaints Procedure The work of DRG’s is part of the informal response within the complaints procedure. Conversations are taking place around the complaints procedure and the role of DRG’s

9 Other training resources: Growing BridgeBuilders a collaboration between Bridge Builders and CPAS is taking the best of the Bridge Builder training and putting it into an 8 week training pack which can be delivered in local church and circuits by local facilitators.

10 Further resources – networks and institutes: Place for Hope Bridge Builders St. Ethelburga’s Mennonite University High Conflict Institute. Family Mediation Consortium

11 For further information, please contact ???? Positive Working Together – A Short Guide is available on the Methodist Church website at itive-working-together-short-report-0715.pdf itive-working-together-short-report-0715.pdf The Full Conference report is available on the Methodist Church website at itive-working-together-long-report-0615.pdf itive-working-together-long-report-0615.pdf

12 Positive Working Together

13 A power point presentation to: Support the Positive Working Together - Short Guide, that provides an overview of the 2015 Conference report Give an update of the implementation of Positive Working Together Give information about available resources

14 The Short Guide states… Methodist Church definition of Bullying and Harassment ‘Any behaviour, always involving a misuse of power, which an individual or group knows, or ought reasonably to know, could have the potential effect of offending, humiliating, intimidating or isolating an individual or group should be regarded as unacceptable.

15 continued: ‘Unacceptable behaviour’ changes its label to ‘bullying’ or ‘harassing behaviour’ when it causes actual harm or distress to the target (s), normally, but not exclusively, after a series of incidents over a prolonged period of time. Lack of intent does not diminish, excuse or negate the impact on the target or the distress caused. The degree of intent is only relevant in terms of how the behaviour should be challenged and the issues subsequently resolved.’

16 Question for small groups: Discuss times when you have witnessed or been party to offending, humiliating, intimidating or isolating behaviour. How did you react? What was the outcome? What outcome would you have wanted? How could you have reacted differently?

17 Relationship of PWT to the Complaints and Discipline Process: The Methodist Church has a clear Complaints and Discipline Procedure. This includes informal ways to resolve conflict. As we all learn more about positive working together, we envisage a greater understanding and skill in being able to talk about the issues leading to conflict before they escalate, less need to bring a formal complaint, all leading to a healthier community.

18 What to do if you are concerned about bullying and harassment in your church: Each District appoints annually a District Reconciliation Group, and the members of this group, along with the District Positive Working Together Officer will also be able to provide support and give information about how to proceed. Other sources of support include: Peer Support Counselling services Spiritual Director Pastoral Supervisor Coaches and mentors

19 Further resources – networks and institutes: Core Solutions http://www.core-solutions.com Mediation, training, facilitation, coaching. Please add other resources etc – especially ones relating to support for someone experiencing bullying, or those speakers from the PWT conference.

20 For further information, please contact ???? Positive Working Together – A Short Guide is available on the Methodist Church website at itive-working-together-short-report-0715.pdf itive-working-together-short-report-0715.pdf The Full Conference report is available on the Methodist Church website at itive-working-together-long-report-0615.pdf itive-working-together-long-report-0615.pdf

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