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Student teacher orientation Kansas State University Latoya farris FALL 2011.

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1 Student teacher orientation Kansas State University Latoya farris FALL 2011

2  As you focus on preparing lessons, teaching, grading, discipline, etc. remember...  CES is here to help as you transition from college to career Teaching & CES

3 1. Prepare your Professional Resume 2. Activate your “My CES Account” 3. Prep your Credentials 4. Participate in Fall Education Events 4 Steps for Success

4 Prepare your Professional Resume

5 1. Prepare your Professional Resume  Emphasis on Standards & Creativity  Resume should highlight WHAT you accomplished in the classroom and HOW you did it  Focus on your use of creativity in the classroom:  Experiments  Storytelling  Technology  Modeling  Movie or video clips  Describe how you created learning moments  Be specific and detailed

6 1. Prepare your Professional Resume  Action Statements (instead of using ‘taught’ over and over): Instructed, evaluated, informed, acted, directed, performed, composed, crafted, adapted, illustrated, shaped, simulated, demonstrated, etc.

7 4 Key Components to Emphasize: Methods – Types of teaching methods utilized? Hands-on learning, experiments, demonstrations? Curriculum Development – What did you teach? How did you convey material to meet standards? Assessment – What was learned? How did you assess immediate, short-term, or long-range learning? Adaptations – How you met development needs for accelerated learners, students with learning disabilities

8 1. Prepare your Professional Resume  We are here to help!  Advising appointments  Walk in Wednesdays, noon – 4pm  Midnight Resume Madness  Email Advising  Online Resume Guide  Power verbs & resume formatting samples 

9 Activate your “My CES Account”


11 2. Activate your “My CES Account”  Benefits:  Updates and emails from CES  Search Employer Directory  View districts attending Career Fair  Employers can search for you  Sign up for interviews  Create Job Agent

12 Step 2: Get Activated!  Go to  Click “My CES Account” (left-hand column)  Click Student Login  Enter K-State eID and password  Update or complete your address and demographic info Viewable to Employers  Upload your resume  Go to “My Account” on the menu bar and select “My Documents”

13 Prep your Credentials

14 3. Prep your Credentials  Nearly all districts will require some form of credentials  What is in a credential file? Resume or Curriculum Vitae Transcripts PRAXIS Test Scores Philosophy of Teaching Letters of Recommendation Confidential Letters Open Letters References with contact info Student Teacher Evaluations Portfolio Information Copies of Certifications, Licenses or Endorsements

15 Step 3: Prepare Credentials  FAQs  Why should you create one? Most districts will require credentials for employment  How do you create one? We recommend Interfolio (electronic) Interfolio Self-manage (paper-based)  How many letters? 3-5  Who should write them? Cooperating Teacher(s) Clinical Instructor(s) Others familiar with teaching methods, interaction with youth or children, or work ethic

16 3. Prep your Credentials  Student Teacher Evaluations CES can upload “final” Student Teacher evaluations to your Interfolio account These are not automatically added CES must receive “Letter of Recommendation – Cover Sheet”  For more info contact Alison Sotkovski 785-532-6508 or

17 Participate in Fall Education Events

18 4. Participate in Fall Education Events  Overseas Teaching Workshop  Nov. 2  4pm  Union 212  Education Mock Interviews  Mon. Nov. 7  1pm-5pm  Holtz Hall  Public Service Career Fair  Tues. Nov. 8  Union Ballroom  11am-4pm  Walk in Wednesdays  Phone/Email/In person appointments

19 4. Participate in Fall Education Events  LaToya Farris  Assistant Director  Career & Employment Services   785-532-6508  We are here to help!!!

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