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Snag Boat Midterm Presentation  Eric Speight  Matthew Funk  Courtney Johnson.

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Presentation on theme: "Snag Boat Midterm Presentation  Eric Speight  Matthew Funk  Courtney Johnson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Snag Boat Midterm Presentation  Eric Speight  Matthew Funk  Courtney Johnson

2 Outline  Introduction  James River Reserve Fleet  Background  Use of Snag Boat  Problem  Solution / Proposal  Proposed Approach  Accomplishments  Center of Mass Calculation  Buoyancy Force Calculation  Structural Properties  Gantt Chart  Complications  Questions

3 Introduction  What is a Snag boat?  Traditional use of the ROS Snag boat was to clear debris from rivers for safe navigation.

4 Introduction  During its ownership by the USACE the crew would be deployed for extended periods of time.

5 Introduction  JRRF acquired the vessel in March 2009.  Cost of transferring the vessel was $750,000

6 JRRF BACKGROUND  The JRRF is located at FT. Eustis in Virginia.

7 JRRF USE OF ROS SNAGBOAT  To maintain and inspect moorings. e.g. Anchors, chains.

8 JRRF USE OF ROS SNAGBOAT  A barge along with the snag boat was used to place and inspect moorings.  Moorings are of tremendous weight.

9 Problem..  Catastrophic failure due to an excessive load.  Crane failed. Example of stresses in boom

10 Problem..  Picture of Current snag boat.

11 Problem….  Non-operational snag boat due to broken crane  No usable space for the JRRF

12 Solution! / Proposal  Make the vessel more usable  Remove second level  Remove portion of first floor  Move wheel house to rear on first floor  Relocate crane to accommodate deck space for mooring inspection.  Assure that integrity of vessel is uncompromised

13 Solution / Proposal

14 PROPOSED APPROACH  In order to maximize deck space, we needed to remove the living quarters on the boat.  This means removing the entire second level, the front half of the first level and then taking the third level and pushing it further back.  If these modifications were made they would double the amount of deck space reducing the stress on the crane.  Once again the stress is reduced by improving the angle of the boom.

15  Developed website  Center of mass before and after modifications  Buoyancy force  Gathered information regarding structural analysis of ships  Determined beam properties applicable to our ship What we have accomplished website Beginning calculations/gathering information CAE model

16 Baseline (82.1,5.3,21) Proposed(81.9,4.74,21) Center of Mass Calculation

17  Buoyancy is an integral part of determining still water moment  1170 tons Buoyancy Force Calculation

18  information for all L beams on ship  Steel plating thickness, weight, etc. Structural Properties

19 Gantt Chart

20 Complications  No clear directions from the JRRF ◦ Point of contact is constantly changing  Conflicts between schedules

21 More Complications How do we do this! Lack of experience about how to perform necessary calculations

22  Once we have calculated what we need, how do we determine what is structurally sound?  Need to read ◦ Det Norske Veritas, American Bureau of Shipping, and Lloyd's Register EVEN…..More Complications

23 What’s Next…  Take the information gathered; apply it to the boat  Use Patran/Nastran to see if structural renovations are possible

24 Any Questions??

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