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L/O To add to our understanding of marriage and divorce.

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1 L/O To add to our understanding of marriage and divorce

2 An alternative view of marriage /videos/matrimony Families and Culture Chapter 8 2 30/09/2016

3 Families and Culture Chapter 8 3 30/09/2016 Sign of the times? Billboard poster in the USA from a law firm.

4 Families and Culture Chapter 8 4 30/09/2016 Who Gets Divorced? Social class: the lower the social class of the husband, the more likely of divorcing (n.b. divorce is still common in all social classes). Age: couples who marry young are more likely to get divorced (n.b. divorce is common in all age groups) Unemployment, dependency on benefits and low income are all linked to high divorce rates.

5 Families and Culture Chapter 8 5 30/09/2016 Who Gets Divorced (continued) Second marriages are more likely to end in divorce than first marriages. Mixed-class, ethnicity or religion can cause marital problems. Couples may have less in common and experience a lack of acceptance from their families.

6 Families and Culture Chapter 8 6 30/09/2016 Nicky Hart Nicky Hart (1976) suggests that there are three key factors to consider in an analysis of increasing divorce rates: 1. Opportunities to escape marriage. 2. Opportunities for increased conflict and stress. 3. Changing values concerning marriage. She argues divorce needs to be understood in terms of both macro-factors (society-influenced) and micro- factors (individual factors).

7 Families and Culture Chapter 8 7 30/09/2016 Divorce Law Time Line 1857 Matrimonial Causes Act - Divorce available for the first time. But not for women or the working class. 1923 Women received equality with men and began getting custody of children. Legal Aid and Advice Act - Legal Aid became available for divorces. 1937 Law extended grounds for divorce: adultery, cruelty and desertion. 1949 Legal to re- marry in churches. Divorce Reform Act - ‘No Fault’ divorce after 2 years separation if mutually agreed. 5 years if only one person agreed. 1969 1991 1984 Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act - Easier to divorce in early stages of marriage. 1996 Divorce after one year of separation. Copyright Stacey Osborne, used with permission

8 Families and Culture Chapter 8 8 30/09/2016 1969 Divorce Reform Act The Divorce Reform Act (1971) introduced the no-fault divorce. Couples can quickly get divorced on grounds that their marriage has ‘irretrievably broken down’. Evidence for this was living apart for 2 years (or 5 years if one partner objected). Divorce now became a “rubber stamp” process.

9 Families and Culture Chapter 8 9 30/09/2016 Increased Marital Stress and Conflict More women are dissatisfied with the unfair division of labour inside the family. Where both partners work, who acts as a ‘stabiliser of adult personalities’ (Talcott Parsons) now? Financial problems, increasing debt, pressures to have a high material living standard can all undermine relationships.

10 Families and Culture Chapter 8 10 30/09/2016 Over-high Expectations? Functionalists like Ronald Fletcher argue that people expect more out of marriage and family life than they used to. Couples are no longer prepared to be part of ‘empty-shell marriages’. Therefore divorce is more common.

11 Families and Culture Chapter 8 11 30/09/2016 William Goode William Goode argues that marriage has become an occurrence for more emotional reasons. In the past, people married for practical reasons, and the fact that partners did not love each other wasn't a problem.

12 Families and Culture Chapter 8 12 30/09/2016 Anthony Giddens Anthony Giddens (1992) sees shift towards what he calls ‘confluent love’(close and emotion). This is in marked contrast to feelings of duty and obligation as reflected in traditional marriage vows ' "For better for worse, for richer for poorer, long as we both shall live".

13 Stephanie Coontz (2005) Marriage, A History: How Love Conquered Marriage Marriage, A History: How Love Conquered Marriage.- How does the rigidity of marriage continue to structure behaviour? - Think about how increased emotional satisfaction in marriage has come at the expense of institutional stability. - What are the societal costs and benefits of such an arrangement?

14 Families and Culture Chapter 8 14 30/09/2016 Modernism and Individualism Colin Gibson (1994) argues modernism with its emphasis on individual achievement raises expectations of personal satisfaction. Allan and Crow (2001) argue that marriage is more a relationship than an agreement. Couples look for love, satisfaction, and commitment and recognise marriage doesn't have to be a relationship that lasts forever.

15 Families and Culture Chapter 8 15 30/09/2016 Changes in Women’s Position Three-quarters of divorce applications come from women. Women expect more out of a marriage than men and have less to gain from empty-shell marriages. Allan and Crow say that opportunities for women have improved in the past 50 years, e.g. they are economically more independent.

16 Families and Culture Chapter 8 16 30/09/2016

17 Families and Culture Chapter 8 17 30/09/2016 Women and Divorce Feminists say that the increase in the divorce rate is a reflection of what is wrong with the traditional patriarchal marriage. Divorced men are more likely to re-marry than divorced women. According to Diana Gittins (1993) this is because women are disillusioned with marriage.

18 Families and Culture Chapter 8 18 30/09/2016 Women and the Labour Market Nicky Hart (1976) says that the rise in the working women has put more strain on marriages. The increase in the divorce rate suggests that women want a better bargain out of marriage. Employment (and welfare) offers women opportunities to live independently of men.

19 Families and Culture Chapter 8 19 30/09/2016 Divorce and Children Compare content to slide 21 New Right see divorce as being detrimental to children and parents should stay together. Rodgers and Pryor (1998) argue children of divorced or separated parents experience more poverty, poor housing, behavioural problems, teenage pregnancy, and educational underachievement. If children have no contact with one parent, it is harder to cope and moving in with a step-family can cause problems.

20 Families and Culture Chapter 8 20 30/09/2016 Divorce and Society New Right see high divorce rates resulting in female-headed one parent families as a threat to society. Boys, in particular, grow up without disciplinary figure and a role model. Patricia Morgan (1999) sees a direct link between the divorce rates and an increase in the crime rates. Feminists challenge these ideas as a ‘backlash’ arguing it is the quality not quantity of parenting that matters.

21 Next lesson Examine the reasons for changes in the divorce rate since 1969 (May 2011 – 24 marks – this will be 20) Families and Culture Chapter 8 21 30/09/2016

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