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AGRICULTURE DIALOGUE Dakar, 29-30 July 2013 Mali presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "AGRICULTURE DIALOGUE Dakar, 29-30 July 2013 Mali presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 AGRICULTURE DIALOGUE Dakar, 29-30 July 2013 Mali presentation

2 AGRICULTURAL STRATEGIES IN MALI From 1960 to 1970: Five-year plans. From 1970 to 1980: Development operations. From 1980 to date (2013): *Development programmes/projects of which 126 in 2010, 124 in 2011 and 119 in 2012. *Development commissions and agencies. *Master Plan for Rural Development (SDDR) every ten years.

3 MALI AGRICULTURAL POLICY In 2005: start-up of the agricultural act development process September 2006: Agricultural Orientation Law (LOA). September 2008: Sector-wide Approach Transition Plan. July/August 2013: Agricultural Development Policy (PDA) adoption in progress

4 AGRICULTURAL FINANCING Technical and financial partners (loans and subsidies): 78 to 80%. State (national budget and beneficiaries): 20 to 22%. Setting up of a National Agricultural Development Fund (FNDA), see Article 119 of the Agricultural Orientation Law (LOA). Implementation documents already adopted.

5 FINANCING (continued)


7 Level of delivery of the Rural Development Plan portfolio from 2009 to 2012 (see next slide).

8 Rate/Years Rate in 2009Rate in 2010Rate in 2011Rate in 2012 Ministry of Agriculture global disbursement rate41.9%47.5%45.05%37.00% Ministry of Livestock & Fisheries global disbursement rate33.1%45.1%48.33%55.80% Food Security Authority global disbursement rate17.5%32.6%44.76%42.60% Global disbursement rate of the Delegate Ministry of the Prime Minister in Charge of the Integrated Development of Nigers Zone Office (MDDIZON) 17.1%21.4%25.49% Evolution of the Rural Development Plan global disbursement rate between 2009 and 2012

9 Recommendation on proceedings Favourable recommendation on both proceedings THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND ATTENTION

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