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Soldering Wire Splices. Wires should be at 90 deg. Twist wires equally to form a neat splice. Solder connection. Pigtail Splice.

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Presentation on theme: "Soldering Wire Splices. Wires should be at 90 deg. Twist wires equally to form a neat splice. Solder connection. Pigtail Splice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Soldering Wire Splices

2 Wires should be at 90 deg. Twist wires equally to form a neat splice. Solder connection. Pigtail Splice

3 Pigtail splice with stranded wire.

4 In-Line Splice Begin by wrapping wires in opposite directions. Continue by wrapping wire ends close together to form a neat splice. Solder connection.

5 Pictorial drawing of in- line splice.

6 In-line with stranded wire. Wires should be meshed and twisted together. Ensure wire strands are tight, then solder.

7 Stranded wire splice bundled and wire wrapped.

8 Wires should be at 90 deg. One wire should remain straight while the other is wrapped neatly around it. Solder connection. Tee Splice

9 Tee with stranded wire should have the main wire stripped and separated. The third wire should be placed through the main wire and wrapped, then soldered.

10 Apply heat for 3-5 seconds, then apply solder.

11 What’s wrong with this picture?

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