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Part 1 The Lesson By Mrs. Morgan. Leyton 4-6 Grade Students Over the summer, we changed over to a new catalog system for our library. It is called Follett.

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Presentation on theme: "Part 1 The Lesson By Mrs. Morgan. Leyton 4-6 Grade Students Over the summer, we changed over to a new catalog system for our library. It is called Follett."— Presentation transcript:

1 Part 1 The Lesson By Mrs. Morgan

2 Leyton 4-6 Grade Students Over the summer, we changed over to a new catalog system for our library. It is called Follett Destiny and you can now access it from home. This slide show will walk you through how to use the system. It is similar to OPAC, so don’t worry…

3 Goals and Objectives You will learn how to access the online catalog. You will learn how to search for a book by author, title, keyword, and subject. You will learn which site the book is housed at: Dalton or Gurley. You will learn if the book is available or checked out.

4 What will you need for this lesson? A computer/laptop or desk top Your favorite author or book title A pen and paper for notes Note card numbered 1-10 Your brain

5 Our New Site Address Click on the link below or copy and paste it to access our new online catalog. lcome.jsp?context=saas57_2600184 lcome.jsp?context=saas57_2600184

6 What to do… First go to our online website. Next you will need to click on the Leyton Public School link in the center of the page. First we will do a title search, so let’s look for a book. Next to the word find, please type in Green Eggs and Ham. Then you will select the Title button. You will notice that 2 titles appear. The first one is a Tape and the second one is the book.

7 What to do continued… You will also notice that next to the book details, it has location: Gur (This means you can find this book at our Gurley site.) It also shows you that there is 1 of 1 available. Next, let’s try an author search. On the dark green catalog bar, please select library search. This takes you back to your search screen. If you select the back button, it will take you out of the catalog.

8 Author Search Now, let’s type in J. K. Rowling. Once you have typed in her name, click on the author button. As you can see, it comes up Titles 1-7. Let’s explore the 1 st selection: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. It says 2 of 2 available. Click on the title. Near the top of the screen by the call number and location, click the see all button. This will show you where this title can be found. We have it in Dalton and Gurley.

9 New Search-Subject Remember to use the search results or library search on the dark green tab to go back. Now let’s try a subject search. Type in the word dinosaurs and press the subject button. This will net you a total of 141 titles. You may scroll through them to view reading level, call number, fiction, easy or non-fiction. Selecting the title or the details button will provide you with in-depth information.

10 Keyword Search Use the library search button again on the dark green tab and then type in the word Nebraska. Now push the Keyword button. This will provide you with a list of any title with the word Nebraska in it or books about Nebraska. We have a total of 101 titles. You may need to change the page number to find what you are looking for. You may do this at the top or the bottom of any page.

11 Placing a Book on Hold-7 th -12 th Grade Only You must be logged in individually to place a book on hold. Once you are logged in to your account, find the title you would like to place on hold. You will then click the Hold It! button next to the title. Put in the number of copies you would like. Pick it up the next day in the library.

12 More Information This is just a start to our new online catalog. We will discuss Destiny Quest and Universal Search over the next couple of weeks. The next part of your power point is an activity to see what you have learned. Please ask me if you have any questions or need help.

13 Part 2 The Exercise By Mrs. Morgan

14 Checking for Understanding Please write the answers to the following questions on your note card numbered 1-10 and turn it in with your name on it at the end of the period. Thank you! 1. Can you access our new online catalog system from home? Yes or no 2. What are the 4 main searches we discussed today? 3. Do we have any books in our library by Gary Paulsen? If so, how many? 4. Will the new system show me which site the books are housed at? What is the abbreviation for our sites? 5. How would I find the book Shadow Spinner? Who wrote this book? Is it in Dalton or Gurley?

15 Checking for understanding continued… 6. How would I know if we had any books about snakes? Do we? If so, how many? 7. If I searched for wizards by keyword, how many books do we have? 8. Do I have to be logged into a certain place to access our online catalog? If so, what is it? 9. Can I place a book on hold? 10. Write 1 more question that you would like answered about our new online catalog. Bonus: On the back of your note card, please explain what you don’t understand about our new system.

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