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Interpersonal Communication Business Communications Mrs. Dayley.

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Presentation on theme: "Interpersonal Communication Business Communications Mrs. Dayley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interpersonal Communication Business Communications Mrs. Dayley

2 Knowing Your Place What could Cara do to improve the way she communicates with coworkers?

3 It’s Not What You Say, It’s How You Say It Be a “strong” listener Check your body language Use “I” language Validate the other person’s ideas. Use the same medium Be mindful of what you put in writing Avoid using profanity and derogatory terms

4 On the Job Input for Hire

5 Review Questions 1. How can communication skills help you interact with your coworkers? 2. Why do you think getting along with others at work is so important? Why isn’t it enough to do your job well?

6 Assignment Design a cartoon depicting effective communication among coworkers. Create your own illustrations or borrow clippings from magazines. Use the storyboard provided by Mrs. Dayley. Include word balloons depicting effective communication styles. Don’t forget nonverbal communication!

7 Getting & Giving Instructions Thanks for the Memory What else could Gary do to reinforce Mr. Jenkins’ routine?

8 Listening to Oral Instructions Screen out distractions. Take notes. Ask for clarification. Give feedback. Review your notes. Visualize the task.

9 Assignment Write instructions on how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for someone who has never made one before. Be very clear and exact on your instructions.


11 “Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand.” ( Chinese Proverb)

12 Steps for GIVING Instructions

13 Draw Your Memory Helps you remember all steps Helps you recall exact order Photocopy list of available calendars. Write a memo explaining procedure for selecting calendar Procedure approved? Revise Procedures Print and photocopy procedures Submit order. NOYES

14 The Language Trap

15 Public Enemy How could Sharon constructively address Julio’s behavior?

16 Four Types of Language Traps Dehumanization Overgeneralization and Stereotyping Categorization Polarization

17 DESC Strategy for Overcoming Language Traps D= E= S= C=

18 Be Assertive, Not Aggressive Don’t SayDo Say “You’re always calling be sexist names.” “When speaking to me, you sometimes use words, such as ‘doll,’ ‘sweetheart,’ and ‘honey,’ in a manner I don’t like.” “You should keep your mouth shut.” “I hope you will avoid using these terms when you speak to me.” “If you use that term one more time, I will see that you get fired!” “When I no longer hear you using those names, I feel our working relationship will be greatly improved.”

19 Advice Wanted Assignment Pretend you are an advice columnist. Several people have written to you asking for help in resolving language trap problems in the workplace. Using the DESC strategy, write solutions for each person.

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