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Welcome to Health…. 2016-2017! Christine A. Sacramento, Andrew Vega, Todd Lessard.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Health…. 2016-2017! Christine A. Sacramento, Andrew Vega, Todd Lessard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Health…. 2016-2017! Christine A. Sacramento, Andrew Vega, Todd Lessard

2 Contact Information The best way to contact Ms. Sacramento Instructor Vega Instructor Lessard is through EMAIL:

3 Ms. Sacramento’s Website   Staff Directory  Ms. Sacramento  All weekly homework will be posted on the website  Copy homework from the board in class as the website is not set in stone and may change.

4 About Ms. Sacramento  Background Info…  NSU Alumna – GO SHARKS!  B.S. Degree in Athletic Training, Minor in Exercise and Sport Science  Certified and Licensed Athletic Trainer  Nationally Registered EMT  American Red Cross Certified Lifeguard  Intern as Assistant Athletic Trainer at University School, Cypress Bay High, and NSU (Men’s and Women’s Basketball, as well as Volleyball and Women’s Soccer)

5 About Instructor Vega  Currently a Firefighter Paramedic 8 years  NREMT-P  Certified Basic Life Support Instructor (BLS) American Heart Association  Certified Advanced Life Support Instructor (ALS) American Heart Association  Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) American Heart Association  Dive Rescue  Arial Operations  Rope Rescue

6 About Instructor Lessard  Currently a Firefighter Paramedic 9 years  Certified Basic Life Support Instructor (BLS) American Heart Association  Certified Flight Medic (2 years on a Trauma Helicopter)  Advanced/Critical Airway Management  International Trauma Life Support (ITLS)  Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)

7 Future as a Panther…  Room for growth…  Sports Medicine / Athletic Training program at Somerset  Student Organizations –  New @ Somerset! –  Somerset Academy Sports Medicine Organization  Volunteer work opportunities

8 Teacher/Instuctor Goals…  My goal for this year is to provide a rich learning experience in Health, while empowering my students to want learn more. I encourage all of my students to be engaged and to ask us questions related to the content during class.  I am not a mind reader! Communication is KEY!

9 Class Content: Learning Goals  To meet the National Health Education Standards and to help teens understand the basics of overall health and well being.  heath promotion  disease prevention  factors that influence health behaviors (family, peers, culture, media, technology)  access to valid information, products and services to enhance health  interpersonal communication skills, goal-setting skills  advocate personal support systems  avoiding practices that negatively impact personal health.  To breakdown these concepts and skills so that the students can better understand them and apply them to their daily lives.

10 Class Rules  RESPECT!  Be respectful to teachers, classmates and to the classroom.  Be Independent and Responsible! by completing assignments, doing your own work, participating in discussions and team learning, bringing all supplies to class, turning in work on time.  Be organized! by keeping binder and notebook neat and up to date. All assignments must have a number, title, date, book name and page number.  Be Honorable! by helping others when needed, staying focused, and doing assigned work.  TAKE INITIATIVE!

11 Consequences for Misbehavior 1. Verbal warning 2. Written Warning 3. Reflection and Call to Parent 4. Detention and Call to Parent 5. Referral To administration

12 Supply List Basic Supplies needed per student on a daily basis:  1 Duo tang folder (3-Pronged Folder with pockets)  Loose Leaf paper – College Ruled  A pen (blue and red) or pencil, highlighter, and post it notes  Student planner Being PREPARED is part of your participation grade!

13 Textbook

14 Class Expectations  Entering the classroom: You must enter the classroom before the bell rings. Come in quietly and set your desk into your assigned seat.  Take out your notebook and begin the bell ringer work.  Exiting the classroom for dismissal: Prior to leaving the classroom, you must make sure that all classroom materials are put away properly and your area is clean.

15 Class Expectations  Electronics: POWERED OFF! Absolutely no cellphones or other distracting material allowed during class time, unless permission is granted to do so. I will take it away!!!  Bathroom Breaks: Unless there is a medical emergency, bathrooms must be used before or after class.  No restroom breaks will be allowed during lecture, quizzes or exams.  Tardies: You will be sent to the office if you show up without a pass. After 3 warnings, detentions are warranted. *** HERO Program…  Drills: Students must orderly walk to the back field and stand in a line quietly behind the teacher until told to reenter the classrooms. Those students who get lost will receive a consequence.

16 Assignments  It is mandatory that you place the heading at the right hand corner of all assignments that are turned in. Points will be taken off of any assignment that is missing the proper heading.  On any assignment a student is caught cheating, the result will be an automatic zero and parents/guardians will be contacted. Cheating is defined as you are looking around or talking when there are tests out – even if you’re finished.  There will be zero tolerance for late work. If you have an excused absence you will have 2 days to make up the work. Unexcused absence means you cannot make up the work from that day.  Plagiarism will also not be tolerated and will also receive an automatic zero

17 Assignments Last, First Name Health Period # Due Date Assignment Title Page # (If Applicable)

18 Grading  Homework - 10%  Classwork - 15%  Quizzes – 15%  Exams - 25%  Projects - 25%  Participation - 10% Total 100%

19 Homework Due:  First Day Documents  3-Pronged Folder  Signed Syllabus

20 BE SUCCESSFUL!  QUESTIONS???  ICE BREAKER  Time-killer activity



23 In-Class Activity  Answer the following questions on a sheet of paper. 1. Why did you chose this class? 2. What do you expect to learn?

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