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Short Story Elements. Plot  Plot is a series of related events that are centered around a conflict.conflict.

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Presentation on theme: "Short Story Elements. Plot  Plot is a series of related events that are centered around a conflict.conflict."— Presentation transcript:

1 Short Story Elements

2 Plot  Plot is a series of related events that are centered around a conflict.conflict

3 Conflict  Conflict is a struggle between opposing forces.  An external conflict is one between a character and an outside force, such as another character, nature, society, or fate.  An internal conflict takes place within the mind of a character who is torn between opposing feelings or between different courses of action.

4 The Five Stages of Plot Development  1. Exposition introduces the story’s characters, setting, and conflict  2. Rising action occurs as complications, twists, or intensifications of the conflict occur.  3. Climax is the emotional high point of the story.  4. Falling action is the logical result of the climax  5. Denouement presents the final outcome of the story. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

5 Setting  Setting is the time and place of the story’s action. Setting includes ideas, customs, values and beliefs.

6 Characters Characters are the actors in the story’s plot. They can be people, animals, or whatever the writer chooses. *The protagonist is the main character. *The antagonist is in conflict with the main character. Not all stories have antagonist.

7 Character Types  Static Character – Does not change.  Dynamic Character – Changes in important ways as a result of the story’s action.  Flat Character – Have only 1 or 2 personality traits (easy to describe).  Round Characters – Complex; have many different traits.

8 Point-of-View Point-of-view refers the relationship of the narrator, or storyteller, to the story.  In first-person point of view, the narrator is a character in the story, referred to as “I”  In third-person limited point of view, the narrator reveals the thought of only one character referring that character as “he” or “she”  In third-person omniscient point of view, the narrator knows everything about the story’s events and reveals the thoughts of all the characters.

9 Theme  Theme is the central idea or message of a story, often a perception about life or human nature.  Stated Themes are directly presented in a story.  Implied Themes must be inferred by considering all the elements of a story and asking what message about life is conveyed.

10 Short Story Elements

11 Plot  Plot is a series of related events that are centered around a ____________.

12 Conflict  ________ is a struggle between opposing forces.  An ______________ is one between a character and an outside force, such as another character, nature, society, or fate.  An _____________ takes place within the mind of a character who is torn between opposing feelings or between different courses of action.

13 The Five Stages of Plot Development  1. ____________ introduces the story’s characters, setting, and conflict  2. ___________ occurs as complications, twists, or intensifications of the conflict occur.  3. _______ is the emotional high point of the story.  4. ____________ is the logical result of the climax.  5. ____________ presents the final outcome of the story.

14 Setting  _________ is the time and place of the story’s action. Setting includes ideas, customs, values and beliefs.

15 Characters ____________ are the actors in the story’s plot. They can be people, animals, or whatever the writer chooses. *The _____________ is the main character. *The ___________ is in conflict with the main character. Not all stories have antagonist.

16 Character Types  ____________ – Does not change.  _________________ – Changes in important ways as a result of the story’s action.  _____________ – Have only 1 or 2 personality traits (easy to describe).  ________________ – Complex; have many different traits.

17 Point-of-View _______________ refers the relationship of the narrator, or storyteller, to the story.  In _________ point of view, the narrator is a character in the story, referred to as “I”  In _________ limited point of view, the narrator reveals the thought of only one character referring that character as “he” or “she”  In _____________________ point of view, the narrator knows everything about the story’s events and reveals the thoughts of all the characters.

18 Theme  ________ is the central idea or message of a story, often a perception about life or human nature.  _______________ are directly presented in a story.  ____________________ must be inferred by considering all the elements of a story and asking what message about life is conveyed.

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