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Reading Bellwork Week One: Plot. Monday, August 22 Write the definitions for: 1. Plot: The sequence of events or actions in a short story, novel, play,

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Presentation on theme: "Reading Bellwork Week One: Plot. Monday, August 22 Write the definitions for: 1. Plot: The sequence of events or actions in a short story, novel, play,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading Bellwork Week One: Plot

2 Monday, August 22 Write the definitions for: 1. Plot: The sequence of events or actions in a short story, novel, play, or narrative poem. The parts of plot include: 2. exposition – the introduction of the plot (characters, setting, and conflict). 3. rising action – the suspense building up to the climax 4. climax – turning point in plot marking highest emotional intensity 5. falling action – events following the climax in a narrative 6. resolution – the final outcome

3 Tuesday, August 23 Label the typical structure of a plot on the map:

4 Pixar Shorts- Analyze Structure nFQ nFQ xrqQ xrqQ

5 Wednesday, August 24 Complete the sentences. 1. The setting, characters, and initial conflict are introduced in the __________________ of the plot. 2. Overcoming obstacles, solving problems, and foreshadowing are easy to find in the _____________.

6 Thursday, August 25 Complete the sentences. 1.Excitement, suspense, and tension created by conflict are evidence of the ___________. 2.When conflict outcomes and resulting events allow you to reflect on how the characters have changed, you are in the ____________ of a plot. 3. The ____________ of a plot concludes the drama and a transformation has been completed, potentially revealing a theme.

7 After Media Center Visit Dude, it’s reading time! Complete one TCJ while you read. That means choose and copy a meaningful quote from your novel on the left side, and respond with an example or anecdote in at least three sentences on the right side. Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number. Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Source Type.

8 1. Explain what stage of the plot structure is currently underway in whatever you are reading. What lets you know this? Two Column Journaling Friday, August 26

9 Extra 1. What part of the story structure (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, or resolution) typically has the most suspenseful moments? Justify your opinion with reasons and examples.

10 Reading Quiz: Plot Structure List the 5 stages of plot structure in order. Then, next to the stage, write a word or two that helps identify that part of the story. 1. _________________= ___________________ 2. _________________= ___________________ 3. _________________= ___________________ 4. _________________= ___________________ 5. _________________= ___________________

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