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SETTING. Setting is the total environment (time and place) of the events within a short story. The setting is usually revealed to the reader through description.

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Presentation on theme: "SETTING. Setting is the total environment (time and place) of the events within a short story. The setting is usually revealed to the reader through description."— Presentation transcript:


2 Setting is the total environment (time and place) of the events within a short story. The setting is usually revealed to the reader through description and narration, but sometimes the reader must infer (assume) some of the details of the setting...

3 The point in time wherein the short story takes place. – General: The point in time (ex: the 1970s) – Specific: The season, the actual date or even – the specific time of day. – Timeless: The story may be told in a timeless – era (ie. It could take place at any point in time) TIME

4 PLACE The physical location of a narrative. – The country – The city/town – The specific location (ex: within a kitchen of a – character's home)

5 ERA/CONTEXT What is happening in society at that point in time. – Example: The Great Depression, World War I, – The Recession

6 Atmosphere Atmosphere is the general mood of a literary work. This is often revealed and continued within the narrative by the way the author: – Establishes the setting within the story – Uses symbolism throughout the story

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