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Development and Cooperation Preparing the Communication on Local Authorities in Development: the Issue Paper Elena ASCIUTTI European Commission – EuropeAid.

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Presentation on theme: "Development and Cooperation Preparing the Communication on Local Authorities in Development: the Issue Paper Elena ASCIUTTI European Commission – EuropeAid."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development and Cooperation Preparing the Communication on Local Authorities in Development: the Issue Paper Elena ASCIUTTI European Commission – EuropeAid Unit “Civil Society and Local Authorities” Brussels, 18 October 2012

2 Development and Cooperation Policy-making process Consultation led by EU Delegations at country level: September- November 2012 Consultation through targeted regional seminars with Associations of Local Authorities, in cooperation with PLATFORMA - the European Platform of Local and Regional Authorities for Development: end of August-November 2012 PLATFORMA Online survey: Discussions with stakeholders and Member States in HQ: September – October 2012 Meeting of the Policy Forum on Development in Brussels: 18/19.10.2012 Drafting of the Communication: November 2012 onwards Adoption: beginning of 2013

3 Development and Cooperation Actors The term "Local Authority" (LA) is used in its widest sense: - directly or indirectly elected public governing bodies at sub-national level, - in a given territory, - as defined by law, - with a degree of autonomy from the central government, - possessing a set of competences to deliver public goods and services to citizens. This definition encompasses a large variety of public governing bodies at various levels i.e. municipalities, communities, districts, counties, provinces and regions, etc.

4 Development and Cooperation Actors (continued) The term "Association of Local Authorities" (AAL) defines: - umbrella organisations, - based on membership and representatives at national, regional, continental and international levels, - with a permanent body established as an autonomous entity, - in accordance with the legislation in force in the country of registration.

5 Development and Cooperation Background for the new policy-making The Structured Dialogue on the involvement of Civil Society and Local Authorities in EC Development Cooperation (March 2010- May 2011) The Agenda for Change (2011) The Busan Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (2011) New Communication "The roots of democracy and sustainable development: Europe's engagement with Civil Society in external relations" (2012)

6 Development and Cooperation The Structured Dialogue Key messages and recommendations: EU to promote enabling environment in partner countries; Strategic involvement of CSOs/LAs - right of initiative; EU to promote/support inclusive multi stakeholders dialogue; Need to better coordinate at local level – consultation; Improve partnership between LAs from the EU and partner countries; European LAs to acknowledge leading role of LAs from partner countries; Reinforced networks with CSOs and LA focal points in delegations; Revise selection and support mechanisms: beyond traditional Calls for Proposals.

7 Development and Cooperation The Agenda for Change Setting out a forward looking and more strategic approach to poverty reduction and sustainable development. Good governance and inclusive growth are the key components of this approach. [...] “The EU should strengthen its links with […] Local Authorities, through regular dialogue and use of best practices". […] "The EU should consider ways of mobilizing local authorities’ expertise, e.g. through networks of excellence or twinning exercises”.

8 Development and Cooperation The Busan Partnership Article 21: "local governments play critical roles in: Linking citizens with government; Defining development policies and partnerships; Ensuring broad-based and democratic ownership of countries' development agendas". Commitment of all Actors to: Further support local governments to enable them to assume more fully their roles above and beyond service delivery, enhancing participation and accountability at the sub-national levels.

9 Development and Cooperation Toward a new paradigm To promote a strategic engagement with LAs Emphasis on LAs from partner countries and on governance-related roles and sustainable development at local level Scope of the Communication Policy and Strategy Operational component for 2014 – 2020 cycle - Overall support to LAs through geographical funds - New Thematic Programme "CSOs and LAs"

10 Development and Cooperation New paradigm An ‘enabling environment’ maximizing LAs participation to development Focus on Territorial Development: Multi-Sector Multi-actor Dynamic Process Partners in dialogue Partners in action Emphasis on Local Authorities in Partner Countries Towards a strategic EU engagement with LAs at all levels

11 Development and Cooperation What keeps the EC awake at night? Issues for the Consultation 1.Framing LAs roles in current international debates 2.Good Governance for Development: the local level 3.Territorial Development 4.Decentralisation 5.Support to Urban and Rural Local authorities in the context of rapid urbanisation 6.Associations of Local Authorities in partner countries 7.Enhancing the internal capacities of Local Authorities 8.Towards a consistent EU engagement with Local Authorities at country level and in delivery mechanisms

12 Development and Cooperation MANY THANKS!

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