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Coral Reefs A marine biome By: Paloma Cruz and Lesnier Lazo.

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Presentation on theme: "Coral Reefs A marine biome By: Paloma Cruz and Lesnier Lazo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coral Reefs A marine biome By: Paloma Cruz and Lesnier Lazo

2 Description Coral reefs are located in tropical oceans near the equator. Coral reefs are held together by calcium carbonate structures secreted by corals. They are built by tiny animals and vary in the size of colonies.

3 Abiotic Features Sunlight Temperature Rock formations and geography Oxygen levels in water Natural disaster

4 Climate The amount of rainfall varies by the location of the reef. The temperature cannot be below 64 degrees fahrenheit. Temperature is usually in between 73 degrees and 84 degrees fahrenheit.

5 Autotrophs: To the left Red algae. To the right Mangrove. To the left Zooxanthellae. To the right Benthic diatoms.

6 Autotrophs: Kelp Phytoplankton Turf algae

7 Heterotroph: To the left, sea snake To the right, Shrimp To the left, Sea star To the right,

8 Heterotrophs: Sea turtle Black tip shark Crab Sea urchins

9 Food web interactions Sea sponges and other sessile organisms compete fiercely with other for space using physical and chemical warfare. A predator-prey example in a coral reef is one with the tiger shark and green sea turtle. The tiger shark eats the sea turtle.

10 Food web interactions

11 Adaptations Animal adaptations: They have a flat body in order to move around the coral. They have bright colors that help them mate and camouflage. Plant adaptations: They have larger cells that allow them to collect sunlight, they create many symbiotic relationships that help them survive.

12 Ecological issues & concerns Activities such as overfishing, inland pollution, and global climate change are affecting coral reefs. Careless boating, diving, and snorkeling are killing coral reefs. One quarter of coral reefs worldwide are considered damaged beyond repair, the other two thirds are under serious threat.

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