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Ms. Broad English II English III.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Broad English II English III."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Broad English II English III

2 About me This is my fourth year at Goose Creek
I grew up in Charleston, SC I attended Winthrop University I’m a Saints fan. LSU and USC are my favorite college teams. I have 4 pets (2 dogs, 2 cats) I am not married I have a younger brother (he’s 21) I have a younger sister (she’s almost 4) I have 2nd block planning.


4 About the classroom You may NOT use your cell phone to check the time. Wear a watch or check the clock on the wall. The classroom temperature varies. Wear layers. The classroom is clean. Be sure to keep it that way.

5 Rules Be on time Come to class prepared Only screw top drinks
Obey all school rules at all times Be courteous and respectful at all times

6 Consequences 1st Infraction – verbal and/or written warning to student
2nd infraction – detention (before school or after school – students will respond to an appropriate writing prompt when attending detention) – also contact with parent 3rd infraction – referral to a school administrator.

7 Procedures There will be a “bell ringer” on the board when you enter class. Sit down and complete it as soon as you enter. Do not wait for the tardy bell to ring before beginning. Sharpen pencils before class. No talking unless instructed. No throwing or tossing anything. Clean up any mess you make. Remain seated until the bell rings. I expect full participation in all class activities, including SSR.

8 Procedures Continued Do not go behind or into my desk.
Do not sit at my desk or in my chair. Books must be signed out of the classroom library before they can be taken out of the classroom. Work should be turned in to the basket corresponding with you class period.

9 Plagiarism Pens and pencils will not be provided to you. Bring your own. Tardy Policy: You must sign in on the tardy log when you are late to class. Bathroom policy: You get three passes this quarter. Use them accordingly. You will have an index card in the card holder by my desk to be used for bathroom trips. All trips out of the room after the first 3 will result in a detention.

10 Absences You are responsible for any work you miss.
I will not come find you to tell you what you missed, you must come and ask me. Work will be available on my school web page. Ask me before or after class, not during the middle of a lesson.

11 Remember You are starting out this year with a 100 in my class. It is up to YOU to keep it. As long as you complete all of your work, pay attention, and study, you should have no problem passing my class. I do not GIVE you grades, you EARN them based on the work and effort you put forth. If you EVER need help with ANYTHING related to my class, please do not hesitate to come ask me about it. I will be available before school and after school to help and answer any questions you may have.

12 Grading Breakdown: 40% - Classwork 40% - Tests/Projects 20% - Homework

13 SSR We will participate in SSR for a minimum of 15 minutes daily. (This may change if tests or projects are scheduled for these days). Students will maintain a “Reader’s journal” that will be taken up and assessed every two weeks as follows: Reading in class as assigned: 8 points per day Writing in response as assigned: 8points per day. Total: 96 points every two weeks SSR grades will be weighted as 2 classwork grades, for a total of 4 double weighted SSR grades per quarter, 8 per semester.

14 Handouts I have given you a copy of the parent letter and classroom rules. Please show these to your parent/guardian and have them sign the Summary of Classroom Expectations and Consequences. This should be returned to me by Friday. If I have not received them by the end of the week, I will call home. This will count as two (2) classwork grades. Classwork grades count for 40% of your final grade.

15 Writing Portfolios If you have a writing portfolio from last year, go to your teacher, get it, and bring it to me by the end of the week. If you do not have a writing portfolio from last year, bring in a binder or folder with metal brads to use as your portfolio. This will count as a classwork grade (40%), so please make sure you get it done.

16 You will be receiving a syllabus in the next few days
You will be receiving a syllabus in the next few days. This will outline rules, expectation, assignments, and various miscellaneous information regarding the school year.

17 ENGLISH II We will have a variety of research projects, including a major research paper. We will be reading texts such as Night, House on Mango Street, Julius Caesar, and others. I reserve the right to change texts as necessary.

18 English III We will have a variety of research projects, including a major research paper. We will cover a number of different genres and writing styles throughout this year. We will read texts such as The Crucible and The Great Gatsby.

19 Questions?

20 Autobiography - Write a brief autobiography.
At least one page, words (do not skip lines) – the MLA header should be in the top margin, not on the lines below Tell me about yourself Remember, this is a school, so keep language and content appropriate. You can write about Family Favorite things Hobbies Pets Job Extracurricular activities Expectations for this class

21 Exit Slip Tell me what grade you expect yourself to earn in my class this semester? What is one thing you want me to be sure to spend time on or help you with?

22 Survey Please complete and hand in the survey provided.
Please remember to use appropriate language and subject matter when filling out this or any other handouts provided. When finished, flip the survey over and put it on the corner of your desk. I will collect them from you.

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