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6/2/15 Mr. Faia 6 th Grade Science. Before you Start… List the different types of vertebrates How long have they been on Earth? What are the advantages.

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Presentation on theme: "6/2/15 Mr. Faia 6 th Grade Science. Before you Start… List the different types of vertebrates How long have they been on Earth? What are the advantages."— Presentation transcript:

1 6/2/15 Mr. Faia 6 th Grade Science

2 Before you Start… List the different types of vertebrates How long have they been on Earth? What are the advantages of an endoskeleton? Name a type of endotherm. Name a type of ectotherm. What does a notochord become in vertebrates? What does a nerve cord become? What animal keeps its pharyngeal slits for its whole life?

3 Fish Fish are: Ectothermic vertebrates Live in water Have fins and scales Most use gills to breathe

4 Fish How long have fish been on Earth? Oldest vertebrates Almost half of all vertebrates are fish Largest group

5 Obtaining Oxygen As a fish swims, its mouth takes in water Water then passes over the gills

6 Obtaining Oxygen As water flows over the gills: Oxygen enters the blood Carbon dioxide leaves the blood

7 Obtaining Oxygen Blood travels from gills throughout the body Fish have a closed circulatory system How is the path similar to a human?

8 Moving and Feeding Fins aid swimming Thin membrane that stretches across a bony support Similar to a canoe paddle Larger surface helps push against the water

9 Moving and Feeding Most time and movement is spent on eating Adaptations for eating depend on what fish eat: Carnivores Insects Filter Feeders

10 Moving and Feeding Fish have highly developed sense and nervous systems What does this aid in? Very high sense of touch, smell, and taste

11 REVIEW What is the waste product of a fish’s respiration? How long have fish been around? List the common traits of a fish. What type of circulatory system do fish have? Explain how a fish’s gills work. Describe a fish’s fin. How is most fish movement used? Name adaptations fish have for feeding.

12 Types of Fish There are 3 types of fish classified by biologists Jawless Fish Cartilaginous Fish Bony Fish

13 Jawless Fish Earliest vertebrates Only about 60 species left Jawless fish have: No scales Cartilage skeletons No pairs of fins

14 Jawless Fish NO JAWS Mouths made for scraping, stabbing, and sucking

15 Jawless Fish Hagfish are wormlike Feed on dead or dying fish

16 Jawless Fish Lampreys are parasitic Feed on tissues and blood of other organisms

17 Cartilaginous Fish Skeletons made of cartilage Have jaws Tooth like scales cover the body

18 Cartilaginous Fish 3 types of cartilaginous fish: Sharks Skates Rays

19 Cartilaginous Fish All cartilaginous fish are carnivores Rays and skates will: Filter feed Feed on small mollusks/crustaceans

20 Cartilaginous Fish Sharks are streamlined to move quickly through water Mouth on bottom of head Contains jagged rows of teeth Teeth in back are replacements

21 Cartilaginous Fish Sharks cannot pump water over gills Need to keep moving Sleep in currents

22 Bony Fish Most familiar fish 95% of fish species Bodies covered with scales Hard skeletons made of bone

23 Bony Fish Bony fish have a swim bladder Internal gas filled sac that stabilizes fish

24 Bony Fish Buoyant Force – force exerted by water upward toward fish Caused by change in gas volume in swim bladder

25 REVIEW Name the 3 types of fish. What are the skeletons made of for each type? What type of eaters are all cartilaginous fish? What is a swim bladder? What does a swim bladder do for a fish? What type of fish have a swim bladder? Define buoyant force. What percentage of fish are bony fish? Why do sharks have rows of teeth? Name the 2 types of jawless fish. Name the 3 types of cartilaginous fish.

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