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Youth Development in Ozaukee County Presented by: Jennifer Gessner.

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Presentation on theme: "Youth Development in Ozaukee County Presented by: Jennifer Gessner."— Presentation transcript:

1 Youth Development in Ozaukee County Presented by: Jennifer Gessner

2 Professional Networking  Washington County 4-H Youth Development Educator  Waukesha County 4-H Program Coordinator  Parents in Ozaukee County  Ozaukee County Fair  Port Washington Tour  Pathways Charter School relevant training  Ozaukee County Strategic/Comprehensive Plans

3 Unique Youth Issues  Generation gap  Knowledge of career choices  Awareness of available programming  Risky behaviors  Making healthy decisions  Bullying/Cyber bullying  Youth voice  Underdeveloped workforce readiness skills  Talent development

4 Focus Issue Underdeveloped workforce readiness skills Lack of awareness of county programming Cultivate community involvement

5 Themes from the County Vision  Provide effective services to achieve maximum efficiency  Communication  Ongoing proactive leadership  Innovative, responsive, and forward focused  Align programs with resources  A quality, highly trained workforce that delivers creative solutions to problems  Weaknesses include aging workforce, resource/brain drain, and poor promotion of county amenities.

6 The Facts  Healthy People Ozaukee County Coalition recognizes that youth lack…  Empowerment to make positive decisions  Resilience  Responsible coping strategies

7 The Plan  Interest inventories and talent exploration  Seek out volunteers/career speakers  Align business partners as mentors  Job shadowing  Career seminars/field trips  Align with schools and faith based organizations as relevant  School presentations  Utilize social media to reach a larger audience

8 The Youth as the Solution  Peer review of resumes/applications  Research history of community skill development  Job experience through volunteer service  Mock Interviews with adults  Career exploration projects  Job Fair  School presentations  Utilize social media to reach larger audience

9 Expected Outcomes  Youth will…  Respect community resources  Build positive relationships with adults  Make informed and responsible decisions  Be productive citizen leaders  Feel empowered to make a difference  Adults will…  Build relationships with youth  Recognize positive youth behaviors in community  Community will…  Benefit from volunteer service of youth  Have access to job search resources created by youth

10 In Conclusion Youth Development Educator Youth in Ozaukee County Increased community awareness and involvement

11 Resources/Additional Information  See Wikispace page

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