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M. Besnier – GDR, 29/10/09 - IPHC Recent experimental results about neutrino parameters Results from LowNu09 conference (“Neutrino Champagne”) + recent.

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Presentation on theme: "M. Besnier – GDR, 29/10/09 - IPHC Recent experimental results about neutrino parameters Results from LowNu09 conference (“Neutrino Champagne”) + recent."— Presentation transcript:

1 M. Besnier – GDR, 29/10/09 - IPHC Recent experimental results about neutrino parameters Results from LowNu09 conference (“Neutrino Champagne”) + recent papers

2 Solar parameters Solar neutrinos MSW effect

3 Survival probability of ν e Expectation based on oscillation parameters determined by KamLAND ∆m 2 : 7.58 (stat) (syst) ×10 -5 eV 2 tan 2 θ 12 : 0.56 (stat) (syst) +0.14 -0.13 +0.15 -0.15 +0.10 -0.07 +0.10 -0.06 12 Kamland latest results Y.Gando, LowNu09 PRL 100, 221803(2008) Precise measurement of  m² 12 The stringent constraint on  12 Undistorted spectrum disfavored by a probability > 5 

4 Borexino solar neutrino analysis O.Smirnov, LowNu09 7 Be 8B8B measurement of electron neutrino survival probability in two different energy ranges Direct measurement of 7 Be monochromatic neutrinos cpd/100t 0.26±0.04stat±0.02 syst cpd/100t (246 days) astro-ph/0808.2868 49 ± 3(stat) ± 4 (syst) cpd/ 100t (192 Days) PRL 101, 091302 (2008) Models : High metallicity Solar model MSW/LMA: 48 ± 4 cpd / 100t 48 ± 4 cpd / 100t Low metallicity Solar model, MSW/LMA 44 ± 4 cpd / 100t 44 ± 4 cpd / 100t 8 B neutrinos measurement compatible with cerenkov detectors first direct measurement of the survival probability for solar e in the transition region between matter-enhanced and vacuum-driven oscillations.

5 Global fit T.Schwetz et al NJP 10 (2008) 113 Do not include the latest SNO analysis

6 SNO solar neutrino (re)analysis G.Orebi Gann, LowNu09 Nucl-ex/0910-2984 Low Energy Threshold Analysis (“LETA”) of the Phase I and Phase II = joint phase LOW !! Solar + Kamland : joint phase + phase III 8 B neutrinos - Most precise measurement  8B = 5.046 x 10 6 cm -2 s -1 (+3.8 – 3.9) % 2 analysis

7 Magnetic moment measurement by Borexino O.Smirnov, LowNu09 PRL 101 091302 (2008) Applying constraints on μ e : with 192 days of live-time statistics the 90% c.l. limit is (d  /dE e behavior at low energy): µ eff <5.4·10 -11 µ B measurements with GEMMA experiment (high purity 1.5 kg Ge detector @ nuclear reactor) µ e <3.2·10 -11 µ B With P ee =0.552±0.016, survival probability at Earth for electronic 7 Be solar neutrino at E=0.863 MeV, and sin 2 θ 23 =0.5 +0.07 -0.06 D.Montanino et al. PRD 77, 093011 (2008) hep-ex/0906.1926 Theoretical value (Dirac massive neutrinos) :

8 atmospheri c parameter s

9 MINOS latest results A.Holin, LowNu09 PRL 101 131802 (2008) Exposure of 3.36x10 20 pot Best Fit

10 MINOS Neutral Current results C.Touramanis, CERN Workshop 09 PRL 101 221804 (2008) Data consistent with no oscillations to sterile neutrinos @90% CL Exposure of 2.46x10 20 pot

11 Global fit T.Schwetz et al NJP 10 (2008) 113

12  13

13 Current limits Y.Gando, LowNu09 G.L.Fogli,, PRL 101, 141801(2008) Current Best fit (sin 2 θ 12, sin 2 θ 13 ) = (0.36, 0.00) Need more statistics to search 0.00 ~ 0.10 parameter region Kamland :

14 Current limits – global fit T.Schwetz et al NJP 10 (2008) 113 sin²  13 < 0.035 (0.056) @90% CL (3  ) Best fit : sin²  13 = 0.01 +0.016−0.011

15 New hints for non zero  13 G.Orebi Gann, LowNu09 Nucl-ex/0910-2984 SNO-”LETA” 3 analysis

16 A.Holin, LowNu09 arXiv:0909.4996v1 Minos : Result of Blind Analysis for an Exposure of 3.14x10 20 New hints for non zero  13 1.5  excess New analysis with more data currently underway. similar excess  sin²2  13 =0 excluded at 90% CL. Neural network

17 Minos : Result of Blind Analysis for an Exposure of 3.14x10 20 A.Holin, LowNu09 arXiv:0909.4996v1 Best fit for the normal hierarchy just below the CHOOZ limit for all values of  CP New hints for non zero  13

18 Existing analyses show a weak preference (1.2-1.5 sigma) for non-zero  13 in the (Solar + KamLAND) analysis. Kamland/solar clash in  12. non-zero  13 vs Non Standard Interactions in the solar neutrino sector similar hint is found in some atm analyses. A weak preference also evidenced in the MINOS data in the   e appearance channel Davidson et al JHEP (2003) 0303:011 Barranco, et al, D73 (2006) 113001, D77 (2008) 093014 Abada, Biggio Bonnet, Gavela, Hambye PRD78 Esteban Huber JV PLB668:197201,2008 Gavela, Hernandez, Ota, Winter, PRD79 Malinsky et el, arXiv:0905.2889 [hep-ph] Bolanos et al PRD79 (2009) 113012 JV6 Further readings : positive NSI values shift LMA towards bigger  12 alleviating the tension with KamLAND, the same way as a non-zero  13 J W F Valle, LowNu09 But … What if NSI are present ?

19 The current road to  13 Double CHOOZ – Reno – Daya Bay – T2K - NOvA

20 Double CHOOZ status Near laboratory status Fully funded by 7 partners Site engineering study completed Near laboratory excavation starts in 2010 for delivery in 2011 sin²2  13 < 0.03 (90% C.L.) in 2014 if no oscillation Phase II sin²2  13 < 0.06 (90% C.L.) in 2011 if no oscillation First neutrino event expected in march 2010 Phase I Far detector status Inner detector PMTs installed (May-June 2009) Inner veto and buffer vessel integrated (Mars- April 2009) Gamma catcher integrated (summer 2009) Now installing neutrino target (liquid scintillator)

21 RENO status Construction of both near and far detectors together. Mechanical structures under installation - will be completed until Nov. 2009. PMT installation expected to start in Dec. 2009. Both near and far detectors expected to be ready for data-taking in mid 2010. Expected sensitivity @ 90% CL : sin 2 (2  13 ) < 0.02 after 3 years running 100m300m 70m high 200m high 1,380m290m Far Detector Near Detector Reactors

22 Daya-Bay status Aug 2009: Start detector assembly End 2009: Start detector installation in experimental halls Fall 2010: Start data taking with first near hall Summer 2011: Start data taking with all detectors Expected sensitivity @ 90% CL: sin 2 (2  13 ) < 0.01 after 3 years running Sensitivity in sin²2θ 13 (90%CL) Daya Bay Reactors Ling Ao Reactors Liquid Scintillator hall Ling Ao II Reactors Entrance Construction tunnel Water hall 295 m 810 m 465 m 900 m Daya Bay Near Far site Ling Ao Near

23 Reactor experiment comparison 2007 GLoBES workshop@Heidelberg G. Mention ExperimentsLocation Thermal Power (GW) Distances Near/Far (m) Depth Near/Far (mwe) Target Mass (tons) Cost (US $) Double-CHOOZFrance8.7410/1050115/30010/10~35M RENOKorea17.3290/1380120/45016/16~10M Daya BayChina11.6360(500)/1985(1613)260/910 40  2/80 ~60M

24 T2K status Primary proton beamline completed – run @ 30 GeV in dec. 2008 First neutrino beam on time in april 2009 ! Secondary beamline completed (summer 2009) – 3 horns integrated INGRID : construction finished (summer 2009) – commissioning ongoing ND280 : detectors installation ongoing SK IV : ready to take data Next beam : beginning 2010 (~15% nominal intensity) First physics results : summer 2010 Expected sensitivity @ 90%CL : sin 2 (2  13 ) < 6 10 -2 after the first year sin 2 (2  13 ) < 6 10 -3 after 5 years running

25 NO A project New detectors (Totally Active Scintillator Detector TASD) near and far identical Expected start 2013 First run ~ 6 years Can distinguish neutrino mass hierarchy in combination with T2K/Reactors Expected sensitivity @ 90%CL : sin 2 (2  13 ) < 5 10 -3 after 6 years running (normal hierarchy)

26 Conclusion - 1 Status of neutrino parameter from solar, atmospheric, reactor and accelerator measurements : T.Schwetz et al, NJP 10 (2008) 113 These results do not include the new analysis from SNO (LETA) Presently, no evidence for sterile neutrinos New limits on neutrino magnetic moments :

27 Conclusion - 2 Hints for non zero  13 appeared in several recent experimental results. A lot of efforts are performed for measuring  13. Good news are possible very soon : start data taking of Double CHOOZ, RENO and T2K in 2010 !!

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