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D EPT. OF I NFO. & C OMM., GIST Networked Media Lab. Networked Media Laboratory Dept. of Information & Communications Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "D EPT. OF I NFO. & C OMM., GIST Networked Media Lab. Networked Media Laboratory Dept. of Information & Communications Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 D EPT. OF I NFO. & C OMM., GIST Networked Media Lab. Networked Media Laboratory Dept. of Information & Communications Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology (GIST) 1 BumHyun Baek 2009 Winter Wrap-up

2 D EPT. OF I NFO. & C OMM., GIST Networked Media Lab. Personal Status Review  Now, Ph.D candidate at first semester  Research Topics  Dynamic, Scalable Multimedia Service Composition QoS-aware Multimedia Service Configuration and Adaptation in Programmable Network and Computing Environments A Framework for Resource-/Quality-aware Multimedia Applications A Scalable Service Aggregation for P2P Networks 2

3 D EPT. OF I NFO. & C OMM., GIST Networked Media Lab. Work Progress  Current work  Study Paper reading and reporting for media-oriented service composition  FIRST@PC Project Understanding purpose and concept of this project Conceptualizing software embedded in TB entities  MS(Tiled Display & imCast) Project Tiled Display: conceptualizing software modulation imCast operation 3

4 D EPT. OF I NFO. & C OMM., GIST Networked Media Lab. Research Plan 4 item2009. 9 ~ 2010. 22010. 3 ~ 2010. 8 FIRST@PC DQE Writing a paper Etc TB internal Demo, Software Development, etc 1 st semister, 2 subject pass(DSP, Engineering mathematics) 2 nd semister 1 subject pass(random process) Write a paper for international conference(not decide society) Ready to write a paper for international journal or conference Tiled display Software modulation, keep the imCast

5 D EPT. OF I NFO. & C OMM., GIST Networked Media Lab. Future Work  Project  FIRST@PC Generalize of requirement and design for multimedia service composition Develop software embedded in TB entities  MS(Tiled Display & imCast) Modulation of tiled display software Keep the imCast  Paper work  Write a paper for international conference  Ready to write a paper for international journal or conference  Etc  DQE(DSP, Engineering mathematics) pass in 1 st semester  DQE(Random Process) pass in 2 nd semester 5

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