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Implementing TAACCCT Round 2 Consortium Grants Management September 27, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing TAACCCT Round 2 Consortium Grants Management September 27, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing TAACCCT Round 2 Consortium Grants Management September 27, 2013

2 Presenter: Maggie Ewell, Grants Management Specialist Moderator: Sharon Leu, Workforce Analyst Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT)

3 Topics for today’s session Consortium members Role of the Lead Consortium Agreements Funding Mechanism Budgets Grants Management Communication

4 Consortium members All consortium members were eligible applicants under SGA; chose to come together Grant is to consortium Lead institution signed grant agreement Consortium members considered direct recipients Signed Consortium agreement

5 Consortium Members cont’d All members must follow rules and requirements outlined in Grant Agreement, Uniform Administrative Requirements, and Federal Cost Principles

6 Role of the lead institution Responsibilities: 1.Point of contact with DOL to receive and respond to all inquiries or communications related to the grant; 2.Entity with authority to withdraw or draw down funds through PMS; 3. Submits all deliverables under the grant regardless of which consortium member performed the work;

7 Role of lead cont’d 4. Only entity to agree to submit modification to statement of work; 5. Overall responsibility for carrying out programmatic functions of the grant; 6. Stewardship of all expenditures under the grant (ie reporting on 9130) ; and 7. Closing out the grant

8 Consortium Agreements Comprised of a signed letter, agreement, or Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and submitted with proposal (SGA, page 13) Attached to SOW – part of Grant Award Acknowledges all are receiving grant from DOL Specify funds and activities for each member

9 Funding Mechanism Consortium agreement serves as the funding mechanism Funds can be transmitted to consortium members per consortium agreement – WARNING: All grant funds must be spent in accordance with rules and requirements in Grant Agreement Preapprovals Allowable costs Appropriate procurement

10 Budgets Consortium members costs should be included on SF424A line items (personnel, equipment, etc), – NOT contractual line (6f) Budgets breakouts required for each consortium member

11 Grant Modifications Required for changes to SOW Budget realignments – 20% line item flexibility for equipment, supplies, travel and other Modification requests must be submitted by the lead Require Grant Officer approval

12 Indirect Costs Both amount and rate for each consortium member should be identified in the budget narrative – If not claiming indirect costs, do not need to include amount or rate Budget narratives reflect indirect and direct costs for each institution – All Consortium members claiming indirect costs need an approved ICR or Cost Allocation plan SF424A must reflect indirect costs total for all consortium members

13 Administrative Cost Cap Administrative costs ≠ Indirect costs 10 % administrative limit applies against the total grant amount and is attributable to the consortium as a whole – Consortium members must track and report indirect and direct administrative costs ETA encourages administrative costs for each consortium member to be listed in budget breakout (SGA Page 21 Item 2)

14 Administrative Cost Cap (cont.) All the costs of administrative activities, as defined by WIA, count towards the administrative cost cap. – Not all administrative costs in F&A rate count towards WIA administrative cost cap – May need to review F&A pool and identify which costs meet WIA definition of administrative HANDOUT

15 WIA Administrative Costs 20 CFR 667.220 General Administrative functions and coordination of functions – Accounting – Audit resolution – Financial and cash management – Payroll functions – Purchasing Costs of goods and services required for administrative functions – Office supplies – Rental and maintenance of office space Costs of information systems related to admin functions – Personnel – Procurement – Purchasing – Accounting and payroll Awards to vendors that are solely for the performance of administrative functions

16 Subgrant prohibition Subgrants prohibited under these grants Consortium members are NOT subrecipients See SGA Item 6 Page 22

17 Partner funding Grant funds can only be given to grant partners through sub contracts Activities in contract must be appropriate for a contract, not a grant – OMB Circular A-133 vendor test

18 Consortium Management Lead institution has responsibility for reporting all expenditures under the grant (ETA Form 9130) Financial data must be reported to lead quarterly – Certify that data submitted to lead is accurate – Consortium members maintain documentation for costs Lead must have policies and procedures to track and report funds spent by consortium members SGA Pages 12-13

19 Management cont’d ETA oversight based SF 424A and budget breakouts – Lead institution – ETA ETA will monitor through quarterly progress reports (fiscal and programmatic) and may conduct onsite monitoring of lead institution and other consortium members

20 Collaboration Lead Institution and Consortium members must work together – Programmatic Activities – Performance and quarterly narrative report information – Financial Report information – Grant Management – Conflict Resolution

21 Communication Keep the lines of communication open – Lead should share approved modifications to SOW with all consortium members – Inform consortium members of technical assistance and training information – Consortium members should keep lead inform of delays, struggles, achievements and successes – ETA will keep lead informed of changes or new developments Work together to reach results

22 Changes to a Consortium Handled on a case-by-case basis Changes before or upon grant award – Required notice to ETA within 60 days (SGA Page 12-13) 60 days post award = RARE – Work with FPO – Would require a grant modification

23 Questions??

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