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Gender Based Violence and HIV PCB Thematic Meeting Breakout session 22 June 2010 Geneva.

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Presentation on theme: "Gender Based Violence and HIV PCB Thematic Meeting Breakout session 22 June 2010 Geneva."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gender Based Violence and HIV PCB Thematic Meeting Breakout session 22 June 2010 Geneva

2 Challenges Broad and inclusive definition of what constitutes GBV – MSM/TG/SW Challenging social exclusion and shame, Stigma and discrimination associated with GBV – Disclosure that isolates and leaves people to suffer in silence (i.e. anal swabs for MSM) Evidence base and informed policy making Building the capacity, resources to address the of the link between GBV and HIV and prevalence especially in post conflict settings Ensuring health, psycho social, judicial, policing delivery systems that can address GBV Law enforcement vs cultural norms Education

3 Opportunities Human Rights and the role Legal, social, policy and programmatic reform Explore the role of tolerance in facilitating change “they deserve it” National local leadership and Anti violence messaging – Research, media, dialogue, KOI, dialogue, – FBO, HIV programs, police, HRTs org, Int alliances How do we work with Youth culture buy into the different idea of being Sexuality education to be incorporated in training in a variety of institutiona including schools, policing, Multisectoral response that engenders and strengthens community voices and safe spaces for those who have been violated – especially when govenments cant deliver the important role of NGOs Education

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