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Cnidaria By:Malea Howard &Sheila Reid. What are Cnidaria? ● Cnidaria are water animals that have jelly supporting there soft bodies.

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Presentation on theme: "Cnidaria By:Malea Howard &Sheila Reid. What are Cnidaria? ● Cnidaria are water animals that have jelly supporting there soft bodies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cnidaria By:Malea Howard &Sheila Reid

2 What are Cnidaria? ● Cnidaria are water animals that have jelly supporting there soft bodies.

3 Jellyfish Videos ● http://www.worldbook xtmedia?id=ar287200 &st=cnidaria&em=vd0 00786 http://www.worldbook xtmedia?id=ar287200 &st=cnidaria&em=vd0 00786 ● This video shows a Jellyfish up close, as it swims along in the ocean.

4 Jellyfish Videos ● http://www.worldbook xtmedia?id=ar287200 &st=cnidaria&em=vd0 00786 http://www.worldbook xtmedia?id=ar287200 &st=cnidaria&em=vd0 00786 ● This video shows a Jellyfish up close, as it swims along in the ocean.

5 Kingdom Animalia Phylum Cnidaria Class Hydrozoa Order Hydroida Suborder Leptomedusae Family Aequoreidae Species Aequorea victoriaAnimaliaCnidariaHydrozoaHydroidaLeptomedusaeAequoreidae

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