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Suwalska Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna

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2 Suwalska Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna
to obszar, na którym obowiązują preferencyjne warunki inwestowania zarówno dla przedsiębiorców krajowych, jak i zagranicznych. Suwalki Special Economic Zone is the area which offers preferential conditions for both Polish and international investments.

3 The excellent location of Suwalki Special Economic Zone, next to the borders with Russia, Lithuania and Belarus provides huge opportunities for investors to enter the absorptive eastern markets.

4 in the direct neighbourhood of the EU’s east border
Suwalki Special Economic Zone is located in the north/east part of Poland in the direct neighbourhood of the EU’s east border It is divided into six sub-zones, located in: Suwalki Elk Goldap Grajewo Malkinia Gorna Bialystok

Goldap Suwalki The map of the three regions, with 6 existing locations with available land, and future location with prospective land Elk Grajewo Malkinia Gorna - Existing sub-zones - Impact area

6 5136 new jobs have been generated.
58 production companies operating within the area of Suwalki Special Economic Zone have already invested over PLN mln (360 mln€) 5136 new jobs have been generated.

7 Switzerlan and Denmark.
The international capital is represented in Suwalki Special Economic Zone by: Germany, USA, Austria, Taiwan, Switzerlan and Denmark.

8 The investors of Suwalki Special Economic Zone are operating in the following business sectors:
wood, plastics, metal, construction materials power machinery, precision engineering, food, electronics, ready-made garments, printing making yachts and boats

9 Our „trump cards” include:
Why is it worth investing in Suwalki Special Economic Zone? Our „trump cards” include: Low manufacturing costs. Clear legal status of the real estate offered. Competitive prices of the land. Young, qualified personnel available. Cooperation with other companies located in the Zone. Friendly local municipalities. Developed market of designers and contractors. Circum-business infrastructure. Professional and kind service of investment. Public aid compliant with EU requirements.

10 100 000 €. new investment expenditure new job opportunities
An entrepreneur investing in Suwalki Special Economic Zone can obtain public aid regarding: new investment expenditure and providing and maintaining new job opportunities The minimum investment expenditure amounts to €.

11 Tax abatement on investment expenditure*
EUR Furnishing EUR EUR EUR Total investment cost Production room and welfare building Purchase of land Investment expenditure * - The exemplary data may not correspond to the actual costs

12 Tax abatement on investment expenditure
50% * EUR = EUR 60% * EUR = EUR 70% * EUR = EUR Tax abated 2,63 mln EUR Large – 50% 3,16 mln EUR Medium– 60% 3,68 mln EUR Small – 70% Income free from tax Business

13 Data for business plan Physical person income tax rates 18%, 32%
Corporate income tax rates 19% VAT rates 22%, 7%, 0% Average pay in business sector 780 EUR gross Average pay in the region 660 EUR gross Minimum pay in Poland 340 EUR gross Cost of construction of 1 m2 of a production building 320 – 380 EUR/m2 Cost of purchase of 1 m2 of a flat ok. 800 EUR/m2 price of 1 m2 of land in the Zone 17 –20 EUR/m2 +VAT Unemployment rate in the sub-zones Suwalki county 7,8% Suwalki Town 10,93 % Elk 20,5% Goldap 25 % Unemployment rate in provinces Podlaskie 10,6% Warminsko-Mazurskie


15 The zone of successful investments
WE INVITE YOU To Suwalki Special Economic Zone The zone of successful investments

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