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The Blackburn with Darwen Youth Contract for disengaged16 and 17 year olds.

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Presentation on theme: "The Blackburn with Darwen Youth Contract for disengaged16 and 17 year olds."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Blackburn with Darwen Youth Contract for disengaged16 and 17 year olds

2 Aims and Objectives To support 16-17 year olds who are NEET and at risk of long term disengagement. To increase their experiences and qualifications, to continue in education and successfully find work. To test new methods of local delivery and payments by results, increasing effectiveness of these models and creating best practice.

3 Key Elements Additionality and complimenting existing provision. Flexible and innovative approach. Partnership approach to gain positive outcomes. Integration with existing local strategies.

4 Eligibility Criteria The target group will be: 16-17 years old currently not participating in, education employment or training (NEET) low level attainment no G.C.S.E. @ A*-C The Youth Contract in Blackburn with Darwen commenced in October 2012 with referrals pathways to sub-contractors via

5 Joe Brown – The process! CRITERIA NEET 16-17 years No A*-C GCSE (Equivalent Yes) School/College Report Self Certification Youth Mentor has 3 month period of engagement which will include: Assessment of need/action plan Link in with local youth provision – including those currently working with the young person ENGAGEMENT 0-3 Months SUSTAINABILITY 6-12 months Youth Mentor has a 6 month period of engagement which will include: Sustaining 5 out of 6 months in employment, education and training (EET) including apprenticeships, could also include attending various provision and volunteering opportunities. Training/education must be funded by Education Funding Agency (EFA previous YPLA) and evidence must be collected. All processes combined are time bound to a maximum of 12 months Youth Mentor has 6 month period to re-engage which will include: Access to provision to meet need Address priority issues and concerns/signposting Identify strengths Increase aspiration and desire to achieve Offer information, advice and guidance Identify EET opportunities and enrol on accredited programme. RE-ENGAGEMENT 0-6 months

6 The Offer Outreach activity Confidence building Tackling barriers 1:1 or Group work 1:1 or Group work Realising aspirations Financial capability Industry days Young Person Eligibility, Assessment, Action Plan Signposting Positive role models Championing Sport/adventure days Independent living skills Literacy & Numeracy support College Preparation Career planning

7 Referral Process One referral form One leaflet One email address – The Prince’s Trust will then distribute to the most appropriate sub contractor in your area. Local Authority - NEET list - individual referral Voluntary Sector Police Self Health Education/ Training Providers ONE SINGLE POINT OF CONTACT - secure email portal via The Princes Trust. Referral information recorded on a database Referral received by relevant subcontractor working in the area within 5 working days. If referral inappropriate for sub contractor it will be sent back to the hub to be rerecorded and redistributed.

8 ON TRACK If you would like further information or would like to work with us, please contact either of the sub contracts below. Groundwork Pennine Lancashire Name Tracy Marsden Email: Tel No: 01254 265163 Mobile No: 07525991584 The Prince’s Trust Name Craig Chapman Email: Tel No: 01282 714160 Mobile No: 07944449253

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