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1 2011 Legislative Session De-briefing Moderated by Duane Cooper SCSBA Legislative & Advocacy Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "1 2011 Legislative Session De-briefing Moderated by Duane Cooper SCSBA Legislative & Advocacy Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 2011 Legislative Session De-briefing Moderated by Duane Cooper SCSBA Legislative & Advocacy Coordinator

2 2 Education related bills that passed in 2011 S. 345 Snow Bill (Joint Resolution) School Flexibility Joint Resolutions H.3713 Point of Sale S.445 Release of HIV Information Regarding Schools S.686 Science Course Requirements for High School Diploma (Joint Resolution) H.3748 Extend Implementation of Education and Economic Development Act (EEDA) H.3700 General Appropriations

3 3 School Flexibility Joint Resolutions S.629 Extended Date for Issuance of Teacher Contracts H.3642 Teacher Salary Step Increase Freeze H.3663 Suspension of District/School Report-card Printing Requirements

4 4 H.3713 Point of Sale  The compromise point-of-sale plan is estimated to have an annual statewide fiscal impact to local governments of $11.2 million, of which school districts will be an estimated 52 percent.  The compromise includes more flexibility for local elected officials in the administration of the millage cap provision and millage rollback calculation.

5 5 H.3700 General Appropriations  Budget highlights: –Base Student Cost for FY2011-12 = $1,880 –EFA received an additional $105 million in recurring funds and an additional $56 million in non-recurring funds. –New School Buses line added from lottery funds and funded at $12,350,000. –Change in ITA calculation: deletes the ITA freeze from 2009 and implements a plan to impute the value of owner-occupied homes into the calculation based on the 3-tiered state reimbursement under Act 388. It also includes an appropriation of $20 million to hold harmless districts that will receive less funding from the current year due to the calculation.

6 6 Education related bills that failed in 2011 H.3502 Multi-district Counties Sharing Services H.3039 SDE Develop Model Architectural Plans S.414 & H.3407 Tuition Tax Credit / Voucher Bills

7 7 Education related bills we are likely to see in 2012 H. 3768 SD Model Policy for Concussions H.3712 School Board Members to Participate in State Health and Dental Plan H.3241 Charter Schools H.3041 Bond Referendum date H.3495 District Consolidation Study Committee S.528 Dating Violence

8 8 Education related bills we are likely to see in 2012…continued S.566 Bullying / Harassment S.18 Teacher Protection Act H.3164 Driver's Licenses Privileges and School Attendance H.4270 High Quality of Education for Public Schools H.4284 Memorial Day & Veteran’s Day H.3035 School Days Length H.3214 School Nutrition Reform (Snack Bill) H.3716 Education Finance Act Reform S.433 Local School District Exemptions

9 9 Hot Topics in 2012 SC Retirement System Reform – $17 billion net unfunded liability Senate Finance Retirement Committee: Greg Ryberg (Co-Chair), Thomas Alexander (Co-Chair), Nikki Setzler, Phil Leventis, Darryl Jackson, Danny Verdin House Retirement Ad Hoc Study Committee: Jim Merrill (Chair), Gilda Cobb-Hunter, Jim Battle, Kenny Bingham, Mike Pitts, Mike Anthony, B.R. Skeleton Options discussed: “All options to fix the system are on the table.” –cutting the system’s annual investment earnings from 8% to 7.5 % –lengthening retirees life expectancies –reducing cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) to retirees to 1 percent –changing 28 year retirement back to 30 years SCSBA Letter to Committees: –keep commitment to exclude those receiving benefits from any proposed changes to system –allow school board members the opportunity to participate in the system –concerned about any cost shifts from the state to local districts.

10 10 Hot Topics in 2012  Education Funding Reform  Comprehensive Tax Reform  Teacher Merit Pay (Pay for performance)  Election Year 2012

11 11 Suggested Advocacy Action Items Invite legislative delegation members to special back-to-school events and/or to a scheduled board meeting before the start of the 2012 Legislative Session. Establish or review the board’s policy on advocacy. An example of updated advocacy policies can be viewed at Appoint a Board Legislative Contact (BLC) for the 2012 legislative session. Please forward updated 2012 BLC information to

12 12 Suggested Advocacy Action Items Create a local advocacy network of district supporters Update your local grassroots advocacy network roster and send members Legislative Session 2012 prep-information. Share all relevant information with your advocacy network (i.e. Daily E-clipping, info. from 2011 De0briefing, info from Tele-conference)

13 13 Questions / Comments

14 14 SCSBA Legislative & Advocacy Contacts Duane Cooper – Legislative & Advocacy Coordinator; Debbie Elmore – SCSBA Communications Director; Scott Price – SCSBA General Counsel & Chief Lobbyist;

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