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In teaching Arabic University of Leeds Dr Samar Al-Afandi (Lifelong Learning Centre) Dr Ruba Khamam (Department of Arabic, Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies)

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Presentation on theme: "In teaching Arabic University of Leeds Dr Samar Al-Afandi (Lifelong Learning Centre) Dr Ruba Khamam (Department of Arabic, Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies)"— Presentation transcript:

1 in teaching Arabic University of Leeds Dr Samar Al-Afandi (Lifelong Learning Centre) Dr Ruba Khamam (Department of Arabic, Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies)

2 Contents:  Introduction  Blended Learning Tools we use in teaching Arabic:  Document Camera  Puppet Edu  Camtasia Studio  Socrative  Nearpod  Quick Quiz  Q&A

3 Introduction What is the importance of blended learning?

4 Document Camera  Whatever is exposed to the camera is reflected on the screen and captured in the lecture recording (vs whiteboard)  Quick and easy to setup and use

5  Quickly create videos for explaining topics or ideas  Example:  Embed web resources, e.g. images  Automatically generated references  Easily record voiceover  Can be edited easily  Can be uploaded on the VLE  Limitations -iPad only -Published videos only play in Safari or Chrome Puppet Edu


7  Add voiceover to PowerPoint presentations  Can be used to explain a grammatical concept  The presentation can be uploaded on VLE  Example: 3687691-dt-content-rid- 6468250_2/courses/201516_31636_LLLC1388/Idaafa%20. mp4 3687691-dt-content-rid- 6468250_2/courses/201516_31636_LLLC1388/Idaafa%20. mp4  Limitations -Requires Windows or Mac -More complicated than the other methods Camtasia Studio


9  Interactive tool for teachers to create tests and quizzes, engage students, check their knowledge and understanding.  Students are usually excited when using it.  Live results and feedback  Post-session report  Easy access: Any electronic device that has a web browser like a smartphone, ipad, laptop, notebook …etc or free apps for iOS or Android.  Limitations: -The PDF version of the quiz does not support Arabic Socrative

10 Socrative: Getting started

11 Socrative: Dashboard

12 Socrative: Manage quizzes

13 Socrative: What Students See

14 Socrative: Creating a quiz


16 Socrative: True/False Questions

17 Socrative: Multiple Choice Questions

18 Socrative: Short Answer Questions

19 Socrative: Run a Quiz

20 Socrative: What students see when doing a quiz

21 Socrative: What teacher sees

22 Socrative: Space Race

23 Socrative: Exit Ticket

24 Socrative: Reports

25 Socrative: Report types

26 Whole Class Excel

27 Socrative: Report types Whole Class Excel

28 Socrative: Report types Individual Students’ PDF

29 Socrative: Report types Question Specific PDF

30 Socrative: Report types Question Specific PDF

31 Socrative: Limitations

32  Interactive classroom tool for teachers to create, engage and assess students’ understanding  Students enjoy the challenge  Real-time feedback for teacher and students  Post-session report  Free iPad app, accessible from any computer, tablet or smartphone browser  Homework  Limitations Some features don't support right-to-left languages correctly Nearpod









41 Go to Enter the following room number: Quick Quiz

42 Questions?

43 School of something FACULTY OF OTHER Thank you شكراً د. سَمَر الأَفَندي د. رُبا رياض خمم

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