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Presented by: Jennifer Timpone-Goldstein ED 702.22 Fall 2008 Collaborative Team Teaching: Does it Effect the Way a Child Learns?

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: Jennifer Timpone-Goldstein ED 702.22 Fall 2008 Collaborative Team Teaching: Does it Effect the Way a Child Learns?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: Jennifer Timpone-Goldstein ED 702.22 Fall 2008 Collaborative Team Teaching: Does it Effect the Way a Child Learns?

2 Table of contents Abstract Introduction Statement of the Problem Review of Related Literature Statement of the Hypothesis

3 Statement of the Problem Collaborative teaching is used in many New York Schools to foster student enthusiasm and inquiry, and to promote interdisciplinary learning. (Letterman & Dugan, 2005). The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of collaborative team teaching (CTT) and the impact it has on student achievement.

4 Review of Literature With Collaborative Team Teaching (CTT) becoming very popular in many New York City Schools, some research has focused on the advantages and disadvantages of having two teachers in the classroom as opposed to one. Many schools are doing away with self contained special education classrooms, and opening up more inclusion classrooms with collaborative team teaching. The number of self contained special education classes has decreased due to co-teaching. (Lawton, 2008.) As a result of the No Child Left Behind Act, it has become important for schools to incorporate more effective means to reach every student in the school. By using inclusion classrooms, special ed and general ed students are brought together with two certified teachers. This can benefit the students in many ways. (Kholer-Evens, 2006.)

5 Literature Review Continued CCT classrooms can have a positive impact on students with learning disabilities who are at risk for not meeting the standards. The students in the CTT class showed improvement in math and self concepts scores. (Fontana, 2005.) ESL students are at an advantage in a CTT setting. An ESL teacher pushes into the class to collaborate with the teacher. This allows lower student-teacher ratios, and a means of providing differentiated instruction. (Hayes, 2007.) Team teaching is not something that happens overnight. It takes time. Sometimes it does not always work the way we want it to. Principals need to be supported, and offer assistance when needed in order for it to be successful. (Mansberger, 2005.)

6 Literature Review Continued In order to be successful, teachers must plan and manage the classroom together. They have to attend meetings, share ideas, and model debates, (Leavitt, 2006.) One instructional strategy that needs to be addressed by both teachers is modeling. Vygotsky’s modeling theory implies that teachers should model appropriate behaviors, negotiations, and work well together. The teachers and students both benefit from it. ( Wiley and Crespo, 1998.) One disadvantages in co-teaching is not enough time to plan, having different teaching styles, and not having communication skills. Planning is extremely crucial, and should be divided equally. When teachers work well together, students respond enthusiastically. (Sorenson, 2002)

7 Hypothesis Collaborative Team Teaching will increase learning achievement of 26 students in 5 th grade at Caroline G. Atkinson School in Freeport, New York. "“The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. “ Babe Ruth

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