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Represent. The system de-icing treatment trains «Sapsan»

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1 represent

2 The system de-icing treatment trains «Sapsan»

3 Icing rolling   Snow and ice on railroad underbody eqyipment problems led to the unconditional use of high-speed trains on the railways, which greatly reduces the security and speed. Experience shows that these problems occur after the passage of several hundred kilometers, and the warm train depot get only after driving a thousand miles.   The main methods of removing ice and snow:   - hot water   – propylene glycol   – hot air   - infrared radiation.

4 Each of these methods has its pros and cons, including: Pluses Cons Hot water Easy.Reliability.Efficiency. The absence of insulated room (with conservation surgery propylene glycol). The need for drying or preserving propylene glycol. Propylene glycol Easy.Reliability. Protecting a thin layer of anti-freeze. The absence of insulated space. The increase in processing costs associated with the use of expensive reagents. A smaller relative to the method of processing hot water efficiency in large volumes of snow and ice.

5 extension table: Pluses Cons Hot Air Hot Air Easy. Reliability. There are no traces of water. The increased power consumption. The increased processing time. The presence of insulated space. The need for "preventive treatment" propylene glycol. Adverse effects on electrical equipment. Infrared radiation Directed by heating. Ease of maintenance. The increased power consumption. The increased processing time. The presence of insulated space. The need for "preventive treatment" propylene glycol. There is no information about the thawing of the passenger rolling stock, but less effective than the "hot water" and "propylene glycol".

6 The appearance of complex "ANTIL" on the object "Moscow - Tavarnaya" Technology and equipment are protected by Russian patents.

7   Operating experience in cold snowy winters showed that only the combined use of cascading two methods ("intensive defrost" and "preventive treatment") would solve the problem of effective anti-icing protection on lower part of rail car body and underbody equipment in winter period.

8 Structure of the complex «ANTIL - O» Technology and equipment are protected by Russian patents. Water storage capacity Ground storage of propylene glycol System tray with burners Sedimentation pit Spray curtains driven closing / opening Modules with technological equipment Racks washing betweencars space

9 Staging of head coach position at the processing Processing zone trolley Processing zone front fairing Processing zone rear fairing Processing zone trolley Technology and equipment are protected by Russian patents.

10 Treatment of head coach Processing zone 1 Processing zone 2 Processing zone 3  Splash curtains are closed;  Includes injectors in zones 1, 2, 3. Technology and equipment are protected by Russian patents.

11 Treatment of the intermediate car Processing zone 2 Processing zone 3  In the nozzle in zones 2 and 3. Technology and equipment are protected by Russian patents.

12 Treatment of tail car  In the nozzle in zones 2, 3, 4. Processing zone 2 Processing zone 3 Processing zone 4 Technology and equipment are protected by Russian patents.

13 Main technical specifications of «ANTIL-О» Designation of data Value Initial data Interoperable cycle, including processing time up to 4 hours 4 hours The volume of storage equipment 300 m. a cube Processing temperature 85ºС Working solution water Installed capacity 1400 kW Power consumption 630 kW/h Thaw time coach 20 min. 20 min. Time prophylactic treatment of a car 50% solution of propylene glycol 1 min. A solution of propylene glycol 50%

14 Structure of the complex «ANTIL - P» Technology and equipment are protected by Russian patents. The container with the technological equipment System tray with burners Racks washing betweenrolling space

15 Main technical specifications of «ANTIL-P» Designation of data Value Initial data The volume of storage equipment 15 m. a cube Processing temperature 40-60ºС Working solution 50% solution of propylene glycol Installed capacity 40 kW Time preventive treatment train up to 1 min Processing time for thawing and 100 kg of ice on the wagon up to 5 min

16 Techno - economic characteristics of the technology and equipment series «ANTIL» company «CTG»

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