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Mars. Basic Facts ● Named after Mars, the war god in Roman mythology ● It is the second smallest planet in the Solar System and the forth from the Sun.

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Presentation on theme: "Mars. Basic Facts ● Named after Mars, the war god in Roman mythology ● It is the second smallest planet in the Solar System and the forth from the Sun."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mars

2 Basic Facts ● Named after Mars, the war god in Roman mythology ● It is the second smallest planet in the Solar System and the forth from the Sun ● It has two moons, Phobos and Deimos

3 Physical Characteristics ● The red tint of it's soil is due to iron oxide ● It has two polar caps of water ice and dry ice ● Olympus Mons, an extinct volcano, is over 3 times the height of Everest

4 Orbit ● 1.5AU from the sun ● Martian year: 687 days ● Martian day: 24 hours, 39 minutes, and 35.244 seconds

5 Weather ● Surface temperature varies from −225 °F to 95 °F ● Mars has the largest dust storms in the Solar System

6 Interesting Facts ● Mars lacks an ozone layer; therefore, the surface of Mars is bathed in a lethal dose of radiation every time the sun rises. ● Mars has 37.5% of the gravity that Earth has. This means that a 100-pound person on Earth would weigh only 38 pounds on Mars and could jump three times as high. ● No human could survive the low pressure of Mars. If you went to Mars without an appropriate space suit, the oxygen in your blood would literally turn into bubbles, causing immediate death.


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