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Integrating Technology into the ESL classroom Dr. Cindy Gunn November 10 th, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating Technology into the ESL classroom Dr. Cindy Gunn November 10 th, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating Technology into the ESL classroom Dr. Cindy Gunn November 10 th, 2012

2 Outline Introduction: Avoiding misunderstandings Activity One: Definitions Activity Two: Views of technology Why use technology in our classes? Pros and Cons Some examples Discussion MATESOL Professional Development Day | Nov. 10, 2012

3 Avoiding misunderstandings Would you like a drink of water? (Specific) Would you like a drink of lemonade? (Specific but open to interpretation) Would you like a drink? (Wide open) MATESOL Professional Development Day | Nov. 10, 2012

4 Technology use in Educational often refers to: Tools and materials that are used in the classroom or lab: for example, PowerPoint presentations, videos, audio recordings, software programs, etc. Tools and materials that are available online for use both inside and outside the classroom: for example, course- related websites, course management systems, email, web- based quizzes and assignments and other web-based activities. MATESOL Professional Development Day | Nov. 10, 2012

5 Revised title of this presentation Integrating web-based activities into the ESL classroom MATESOL Professional Development Day | Nov. 10, 2012

6 Activity 1 on your handout MATESOL Professional Development Day | Nov. 10, 2012

7 Web 2.0  Term coined and popularized by Tim O’Reilly and Dale Dougherty in 2004 to describe changes in functions and features of the Web.  Allows users to be more involved in contributing and interacting with the web. MATESOL Professional Development Day | Nov. 10, 2012

8 Synchronous Communication:  Online at the same time  Real-time interactions,  Same time – different place Asynchronous Communication:  Not online at the same time  Different time – different place MATESOL Professional Development Day | Nov. 10, 2012

9 Millennials:  Also called Digital Natives, The Net Generation, Gen Y. Assumptions made about them:  They are tech savvy.  They can multi-task.  The are used to collaborating with others (both in the real and virtual world).  They expect technology use in the classroom. MATESOL Professional Development Day | Nov. 10, 2012

10 Revised title of this presentation Integrating Web 2 activities into the ESL classroom That is, online activities that allow students to contribute and interact with others on the web. MATESOL Professional Development Day | Nov. 10, 2012

11 Activity 2 on your handout MATESOL Professional Development Day | Nov. 10, 2012

12 How do you view the use of technology in your classes? Full to overflowing? Techno-positivism MATESOL Professional Development Day | Nov. 10, 2012  Overly enthusiastic about educational technology.  Technology first, pedagogy second.

13 IMHO, technology is: A tool at my disposal to enhance my students’ learning opportunities. “Technology is neither good nor bad but using makes it so.” (Peter Doolittle, 2012, personal communication) Pedagogy first, technology second. MATESOL Professional Development Day | Nov. 10, 2012

14 Why use Web 2 activities with our classes? Effective teaching and learning opportunities are influenced by:  the goal of the lesson  the student  the content to be covered  the teacher The choice of teaching tools also depends on these factors. MATESOL Professional Development Day | Nov. 10, 2012

15 Benefits of using Web 2 with your students Brings material ALIVE Authenticity Literacy Interaction Vitality Empowerment (Warschauer, Shetzer & Meloni, 2000) MATESOL Professional Development Day | Nov. 10, 2012

16 Authenticity 24/7 access to “vast amounts of authentic material authentic communication and publishing opportunities” (Warschauer, Shetzer & Meloni, p. 75, 2000). But MATESOL Professional Development Day | Nov. 10, 2012

17 Literacy The ability to read, write, communicate, research, and publish on the Internet represents important new forms of literacy needed in the 21st century. But MATESOL Professional Development Day | Nov. 10, 2012

18 Interaction Interaction is one of the major means of acquiring a language and gaining fluency. Opportunities for students to interact with native and nonnative speakers from around the world both synchronously and asynchronously. But MATESOL Professional Development Day | Nov. 10, 2012

19 Vitality “Too often, classrooms are reflective of T.E.N.O.R. (teaching English for no obvious reason), as students get bogged down in memorizing grammar rules or de-contextualized vocabulary. The Internet can inject an element of vitality into teaching and motivate students as they communicate in a medium that is flexible, multimodal, constantly changing, and connected to their real life needs” (Warschauer, Shetzer & Meloni, p. 76, 2000). But MATESOL Professional Development Day | Nov. 10, 2012

20 Empowerment Allows students to find what they need when they need it and to collaborate with others to help construct new knowledge. But MATESOL Professional Development Day | Nov. 10, 2012

21 Like all classroom tools and techniques there are pros and cons. MATESOL Professional Development Day | Nov. 10, 2012

22 Some challenges for teachers Teacher’s level of comfort with technology. Finding time to keep up with the changes in technology. Deciding on the “right” technology to use. MATESOL Professional Development Day | Nov. 10, 2012

23 Some advice to consider: Before introducing any Web 2 tool to your students: “Take time and reflect on your curricular goals and try to pinpoint areas that could be improved by the integration of a new tool or technology. Reflection is the key here, don’t jump into the world of Web 2.0 without a plan and a clear focus on what you want yourself, and your students, to get out of it”. (Frank Pileiro, 2011, MATESOL Professional Development Day | Nov. 10, 2012

24 Something more to consider “There is no lack of interesting and relevant materials on the web, but it might still be a challenge for the ESL teacher to structure the task in such a way that the chosen material leads to information sharing for interaction. It is the careful balance between structure and choice that benefits learners” (Alm, 2006, pp. 33 – 34, my emphasis). MATESOL Professional Development Day | Nov. 10, 2012

25 Examples of Web 2 activities Asynchronous Activities:  Blogs  Discussion Boards  Websites where students can share their work  Wikis Synchronous Activities:  Chat  Video Conferencing A bit of both:  Facebook  LiveJournal (LJ) MATESOL Professional Development Day | Nov. 10, 2012

26 Structure, Choice and Interaction too Blogs Task: To maintain a blog reflecting on the class. Choice: Class blog, Individual blog, Group blog. Students control the content but they must keep it within the class assignment. Students choose how to respond to comments on their blogs. Many free options:,, Google Blogger Microblogs: Twitter, Tumblr MATESOL Professional Development Day | Nov. 10, 2012

27 Structure, Choice and Interaction too Discussion Boards Task: To start a thread or respond to others’ posts. Choice: What to say, how to say it, how often to participate, etc. MATESOL Professional Development Day | Nov. 10, 2012

28 Structure, Choice and Interaction too Sharing student work on the web This I believe Essays Task: Write an essay following the published guidelines and submit for publication. Choice: Topic, message, etc. Extended tasks: Students write a response to someone else’s essay. Students write a response to comments on their essays. Choice: The essay to comment on, how to frame the response, etc. MATESOL Professional Development Day | Nov. 10, 2012

29 Structure, Choice and Interaction too Wikis Task: Create a class dictionary in groups Choice: Deciding group members’ responsibilities, which words to include, how to present the material, etc. Free options:,,, MATESOL Professional Development Day | Nov. 10, 2012

30 Structure, Choice and Interaction too Chat / Video Conference: Task: To practice English with a partner in another school in another country, in a different Emirate, etc. Choice: What to say, how to say it, etc. MATESOL Professional Development Day | Nov. 10, 2012

31 Some issues to be aware of Problems with:  Privacy  Inappropriate responses from others  Inappropriate advertisements  Keeping up with / understanding synchronous interactions But MATESOL Professional Development Day | Nov. 10, 2012

32 Carefully chosen Web 2 activities Allow students to interact with others to help construct new knowledge with the ultimate goal of helping our students to become successful lifelong learners. MATESOL Professional Development Day | Nov. 10, 2012

33 Questions? Comments? Concerns? MATESOL Professional Development Day | Nov. 10, 2012

34 Thank you MATESOL Professional Development Day | Nov. 10, 2012

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