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An Insight on the MSP Mediterranean Solar Plan System Initiative and Egypt’ Potential Response, JCEE/RCREEE Round Table Discussion Oct. 14 th, 2009 - Cairo.

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Presentation on theme: "An Insight on the MSP Mediterranean Solar Plan System Initiative and Egypt’ Potential Response, JCEE/RCREEE Round Table Discussion Oct. 14 th, 2009 - Cairo."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Insight on the MSP Mediterranean Solar Plan System Initiative and Egypt’ Potential Response, JCEE/RCREEE Round Table Discussion Oct. 14 th, 2009 - Cairo An Insight on the MSP Bothayna Rashed Head of Technical Affairs Sector, New & Renewable Energy Authority (NREA) Email: The Mediterranean Solar Plan

2  Why MSP  MSP concept  Challenges  Prerequisites  Players & Drivers  Massage from Alex conference in April 09  Events of 2009 Contents

3 Why MSP MSP has been come to the spot due to several reasons, amongst are: othe unpredicted quick increase of the fossil fuels prices, orapid fluctuations in the energy markets, othe over demand on energy for economic plans othe previous studies concluding the importance of tapping the available potentials of solar energy on a large scale based on the following factors: demand for energy in the South and East Mediterranean 4 times greater than the North of the Basin (based on OME). high potentials of the solar energy in the Southern Mediterranean region. the solar energy sector is becoming established on an industrial scale.

4 MSP Concept The concept of MSP is based on the cooperation between the Mediterranean sides aiming at: –sustainable development and massive deployment of renewable energy technologies, mainly based on solar energy. –development of appropriate grid infrastructure, –significant improvements in energy efficiency and energy savings, –capacity building and technology transfer.

5 Challenges  Sustaining reliable and affordable energy supplies for both Mediterranean Sides.  Climate change abatement is a joint responsibility.  Huge investments over the medium and long terms are substantial.  Sincere efforts to develop the Southern Mediterranean in terms of economic reforms, social development, advanced technologies and R&D environment are required.

6 Prerequisites  Introduction of favourable policies that will encourage commercial utility operations in the project hosting country.  More cooperation between north and south in technology transfer.  The role of the International institutions (WB, UNDP,…) is indispensable  Harmonized efforts and views to go forward are required.

7 MSP Drivers & Players  Matured technologies / not viable yet.  Interest of the international and regional institutions to go further.  Plans for interconnection.  Regional organizations / agencies / programs.  Members of the core group of MSP. Main issues  Links between the players in terms of functions, roles, tasks, decisions, etc...  Infrastructure on national & regional levels ( grids, finance, technology, etc.).

8 + ve Massage from Alex in April 09 The International Informal Meeting on Financing Infrastructure in the Euro-Med Region was held in Alexandria. The main outcomes of the Meeting were: - WB avails $ 750 mio. from CTF to finance MSP. - GEF announced its readiness to contribute with $ 50 mio. The following institutions will avail finance as follows : AFD: 1 bio. Euro/year over the coming 5 years. KfW: 4.4 bio. Euro for energy and water sectors. EC Projects Directorate Aid: 1 bio. Euro for infrastructure. EIB: 7.5 bio. Euro for the period 2009-2013. Others expressed the interest to be associated with UfM projects. - Establishment of INFRAMED- Fund with an equity capital of about 400 mio. Euro.

9 The Current Scene of MSP MSP initiative under UfM More than 150 RE projects were presented, A certain no. will be selected to be as the 1 st starting phase of the MSP. The selected projects will be presented to the financiers. Drafted strategy paper and Guidelines for cooperation and efforts coordination were presented in June 09 conference to be subject for comments by Members by end of this month

10 IAP (2009-2010) Electricity Production : 10GW projects

11 (I) Strategy Paper The Strategy Paper includes the following items: The Mediterranean Solar Plan : a positive response towards the energy and climate challenges of the Euro-Mediterranean region. The Mediterranean Solar Plan : a comprehensive approach to improve energy efficiency and increase renewable energy production in the region (Electricity generation from renewable sources of energy- Electricity transmission- Energy efficiency and energy savings- Transfer of know-how and technology). Preparation and implementation process (Preparation Stage (2008-2009), Initial phase (2009-2010 and Deployment phase (2011- 2020)). Governance

12 (II) Guidelines for Coordination of Efforts Establishment of Interim Joint Committee: - that should be prior to the establishment of the UfM Secretariat, in order to ensuring co-ordination and cooperation concerning the relevant topics between the participants to the MSP under the UfM and between the MSP and Euromed energy cooperation and other initiatives, - giving guidance on designing and developing the MSP, - adopting Action Plans under each of the components of the MSP and making the related recommendations for their implementation, - adopting eligibility criteria for project selection, facilitating and promoting the submission of projects to donors and public and private financing institutions, - preparing decisions to be taken at ministerial level on the strategic orientation of the MSP,

13 ( II) Guidelines for Coordination of Efforts(cont.) Establishment of Task Force accountable to the Joint Committee to: supporting the implementation of the MSP and as an assisting tool to the UfM secretariat, where: the Interim Task Force should support the implementation of the MSP, based on: - the work, - guidelines, - recommendations and decisions of the Joint Committee, - establish working groups and hold topical expert meetings and workshops.

14 Our Prospects Based on the lessons learnt from our experience in the wind energy in terms of: - initial start up of granted projects - Developing the required staffs - Cooperation with the leading countries to secure flexible financing schemes. - Accumulated expertise - Ending up by developing National wind strategy base on private sector participation We are looking: To be one of the players, not an audience Tapping the indigenous solar potentials based on win-win situation, Enhancing the cooperation with all the involved patties Adoption of remarkable steps in terms of implementation the 1 st governmental CSP project, developing staffs, support of GEF, involvement in some other initiative such as EM power, setting up a plan, national private sector interest (Orascom),


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