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"The Night Watch" Painting - Image Analysis by Abhinav Kadiyala.

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Presentation on theme: ""The Night Watch" Painting - Image Analysis by Abhinav Kadiyala."— Presentation transcript:

1 "The Night Watch" Painting - Image Analysis by Abhinav Kadiyala

2 CCLAPPS Elements to Be Analyzed: 1.Light 2.Setting 3.Color 4.Character

3 Background “The Nighwatch” is a famous painting which was completed by Rembrandt in 1642 Painting done in the final phase of the 80 year Dutch revolt against Spain. Rembrandt was paid a huge sum to paint this colossal size picture of 142” x 172” to drone the Muskeeteer Meeting Hall. The war ended in 1648 which was followed by the Dutch Golden Age signified by dominance of Dutch in trade, science & military

4 Light Dark Background – Shows preparation for battle under a cloak of secrecy. – Element of surprise showing hidden strength. – Dark background also shows uncertanity of war. Central brightness – Shows a centralized command and leadership and focuses on key players

5 Setting The flag represents this is a peoples movement with suport from the general public Ordinary citizens are joining the militia in numbers carrying any weapons they can find. Captain and militia assembling before a gateway preparing for the battle. New recruits to the militia who are in the background are happy to fight for the cause of freedom. Others in the bottom are more seasoned and are more serioius about the impending battle.

6 Color Red cloth around General’s chest violence and problems he faced during his journey sacrifices and compromises must be made in order to move ahead The bright yellow color on the little girl symbolizes victory

7 Character All of the characters in the image seem to be in a militia and preparing to go to war and many of them seem to be regular men who are not formally trained but are determined to defeat the enemy and are united in that cause Unity in diversity brings strength General in the middle is giving directions to his commander pointing to the light source there is hope must not give up

8 Character Bright little girl to the right of the General has a dead chicken defeated adversaries face expression represents she has gone through a lot of adversity to come to the state where she is with hardwork comes deserving rewards such as the chicken in this picture. The chicken represents the defeated adversary and the ensuring economic prosperity.

9 Conclusion Teamwork is crucial for success and without the help of others we cannot accomplish out goals. Sacrifices must be made and we must learn to let go and compromise while on a task Never loose faith and never give up

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