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Ticket to Work Program Timely Progress Review Basics.

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Presentation on theme: "Ticket to Work Program Timely Progress Review Basics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ticket to Work Program Timely Progress Review Basics

2 This Training Should Help You Provide better advisory services to your beneficiaries regarding Timely Progress Reviews (TPR) Create a sense of urgency for beneficiaries to respond promptly to TPR notices Assist your beneficiaries to maintain Continuing Disability Reviews (CDR) protection when they receive TPR notices 2

3 Objectives Describe the Timely Progress Review Discuss how the Ticket to Work program impacts the Continuing Disability Review Describe the steps in the TPR process, including access in the Secure Provider Portal (Portal) Discuss TPR Notices that beneficiaries may receive from Operations Support Manager (OSM) Describe the responsibilities of service providers during the TPR process Identify the TPR resources available to service providers and beneficiaries 3

4 Timely Progress Review and Continuing Disability Review Protection 4

5 Timely Progress Review The Social Security Administration’s way to track the progress of a Ticket Holder Review conducted at the end of every 12-month period Continuing Disability Review protection Assist beneficiaries through the TPR process 5

6 Work Incentive – Protection from CDR Continuing Disability Review o Medical review that determines disability benefits eligibility Ticket to Work – no CDR for 12 months CDR Exemption renewed for another 12 months if pass TPR 6

7 TPR Requirements Not Met Ticket status o Ticket remains assigned to service provider o CDR protection lost o CDR conducted when regularly scheduled 7 Began receiving benefits with CDRs scheduled every 3 years 2012 Ticket assigned to EN 2013 TPR requirements not met; CDR protection lost 2014 CDR conducted 2015

8 2012 2013 2014 2015 TPR Case Study 1 Began receiving disability benefits Assigned ticket to EN First TPR scheduled CDR conducted 8

9 Progress Check One What does a Timely Progress Review show evidence of? A.Employment Networks are receiving payments for milestones B.Beneficiaries are making the expected progress toward financial independence C.Continuing Disability protection 9

10 Progress Check Two What impact does the Ticket to Work program have on Continuing Disability Reviews for a beneficiary? A.The beneficiary is protected from CDRs assuming they pass their TPRs B.The Ticket to Work program does not have an impact on CDRs for a beneficiary C.The a Ticket to Work beneficiary will only have to go through a CDR once every five years 10

11 TPR Process and Requirements 11

12 TPR Process 12 Earnings Check = Social Security Guidelines TPR Met Earnings Check  Social Security Guidelines OSM sends notice to beneficiary

13 Click Timely Progress Review 13

14 Click Requirements 14

15 TPR Forms and Notices 15

16 Timely Progress Review Letter 16

17 TPR Forms and Notices Links 17

18 Beneficiary Actions Complete and return form Q-2 within 30 days Take no action 18

19 TPR Case Study 2 19

20 Case Study 2 Form Returned 20 Q2 Form Guidelines Not Met F1 Form Guidelines Not Met CDR Protection Lost

21 Beneficiary Non-Response 21

22 TPR Status Report 22 Form 1377 (QP2) Service provider must respond within 30 days If not returned, listed beneficiaries will lose CDR protection The TPR Status Report in the Portal will allow you to see unresponsive beneficiaries.

23 Progress Check Three Is the following statement true or false? A Timely Progress Review happens every 12 months while a ticket is assigned or “In-Use SVR” and may occur without the EN or beneficiary being notified. 23

24 Progress Check Four The OSM will check the earning records of those beneficiaries with tickets assigned. If the beneficiary’s earnings are insufficient, what will the OSM do next? A) OSM will contact the beneficiary via mail B) OSM will contact the EN via mail C) OSM will not contact the EN or beneficiary 24

25 TPR Failure and Review 25

26 TPR Failure – F2 26

27 Beneficiary Appeal Request for Review o In writing to OSM o Must be received within 30 days of the F2 notice Beneficiary Re-Entry Failure of Review or Re-Entry 27

28 Re-Entry 28 June 2014 – Failed TPR Did not Meet TPR Requirements GED is one option to satisfy TPR Working on GED June 2014 – Failed TPR Did not Meet TPR Requirements GED is one option to satisfy TPR Working on GED August 2014 – GED Complete d Eligible for Re-Entry for CDR protection August 2014 – GED Complete d Eligible for Re-Entry for CDR protection

29 Progress Check Five ENs and VRs should be prepared to answer any of the following questions from beneficiaries relating to the Timely Progress Review. Can you answer them? 1.“Now that I have failed my Timely Progress Review, will I lose my benefits?” 2.“Since I failed TPR, does that mean I can’t participate in the Ticket program?” 3.“Because I failed TPR, now will I have a medical review? What about my next TPR?” 4.“Can I unassign my ticket so I won’t get a TPR notice and can keep my CDR protection?” 29

30 Service Provider Responsibilities 30

31 Responsibilities of the Service Provider Individual Work Plan (IWP) and Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Ensure understanding Encourage a timely answer to any requests for more information 31

32 Responsibilities of Service Providers (cont.) Answer questions about TPR Understand the process TPRhelpdesk@yourticket towork.comTPRhelpdesk@yourticket 32

33 Responsibilities of Service Providers (cont.) Provide counseling and advice Recommend Inactive Status Not subject to TPR CDR protection is lost 33

34 Progress Check Six Choose the responsibilities for all service providers from the list below. A)Describe the TPR requirements during the Individual Work Plan development. B)Encourage beneficiaries to quickly answer any TPR notices. C)Provide counseling and advice to meet the TPR requirements. D)Recommend Inactive status during bumps in the path. 34

35 Questions? For additional information please visit, Or contact us at 35

36 This Completes the Ticket to Work Timely Progress Review Session 36 Please complete out our brief evaluation of this training which you will receive in an email.

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