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Counseling & Case Management: How is it Connected to Good Performance? workshop by Madeline McNeely YouthBuild USA DOL Program Coach YouthBuild: Building.

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Presentation on theme: "Counseling & Case Management: How is it Connected to Good Performance? workshop by Madeline McNeely YouthBuild USA DOL Program Coach YouthBuild: Building."— Presentation transcript:

1 Counseling & Case Management: How is it Connected to Good Performance? workshop by Madeline McNeely YouthBuild USA DOL Program Coach YouthBuild: Building Better Outcomes DOL Region 2 YouthBuild Peer-to-Peer Gathering

2 Desired Outcomes 1.You will have a deeper understanding of consistent case management practices, so that you can improve your program’s performance outcomes. 2. You will have a list of case management best practices so you can determine what will be useful to implement based on your program’s structure and needs.

3 Agenda I.Opening II.Presentation Slide Show III.Case Management Best Practices IV. Report Back V.Wrap Up/Departure

4 Self OthersWorld Goal is for participants to be successful by understanding Who Am I? Body, Mind, Heart, Spirit, Behavior One-on-one Counseling Community Building Relationships Group Counseling Life Skills Case Management

5 Purpose of Counseling –P ersonal stability –Understanding of Oneself –Positive Relationships with others –Meaningful impact on others and the world around us –Successful navigation of our internal and external world

6 Case Management Purpose Ensure the success of and tracking of students while in program and after placement in career related employment and post- secondary education Case Management Purpose Ensure the success of and tracking of students while in program and after placement in career related employment and post- secondary education

7 What’s case management got to do with performance outcomes?

8 DOL Performance Measures Improvement of Literacy/Numeracy Gains:Improvement of Literacy/Numeracy Gains: 50% of all enrollees assessed at basic skills deficient level will rise one EFL within 1 year of enrollment Attainment of Degree of Certificate:Attainment of Degree of Certificate: 50% of all enrollees attain by 3 rd quarter after program exit Recidivism:Recidivism: 20% or less of enrollees have parole or probation revoked within 1 year of enrollment Placement in Employment or Education:Placement in Employment or Education: 70% of all enrollees are placed in 1 st quarter after exit Retention:Retention: 75% of those who have 1 st quarter placement also place in 2 nd and 3 rd quarter after exit

9 5 Integrated Components of YouthBuild EDUCATION academic skills GED preparation GED Plus vocational skills job/college readiness construction terms cultural events CONSTRUCTION supervised training employer expectations job readiness skills vocational education pre-apprenticeship CASE MGMT/ COUNSELING peer counseling individual counseling group counseling monthly staffing referrals drug testing IDP and Life skills GRADUATE RESOURCES college counseling pre-employment trg pre-apprenticeship trg career counseling job development job placement follow-up LEADERSHIP decision making group facilitation program leadership roles public speaking negotiating community service advocacy

10 Case Management and DOL Performance Measures

11 Essential Elements of Successful Case Management 1.All staff know and understand DOL Performance Measures 2.Trained counselors on staff (ratio of no more than 1/28) 3.Everyone has READ YouthBuild Manual for Counseling, Case Management and Program Culture

12 4. Program has written case management purpose/procedures to fulfill outcomes 5. File/portfolio exists for EACH student (application material, all tests, referral forms, progress notes, certificates obtained, drug testing, IDPs etc….)

13 Essential Elements cont… 6. Weekly counseling sessions (1 on 1, peer & group) 7. External network of referrals is in place 8. Consistent use of IDP 9.Life Skills Planning curriculum taught

14 Essential Elements cont… 10. Competencies measured & tracked as part of IDP 11. Agreed upon and understood record keeping process exists to gather and compile data

15 Essential Elements cont… 12. Data is collected every day/week for DOL outcomes and others you’re program is required to collect. 13.Case conferencing MONTHLY for each student with all staff present (updated IDP, case notes, any documentation, drug testing results).

16 Re-envision your program model

17 Best Practices At your tables, identify at least 5 best practices and be prepared to report on: Insights lessons learned/changes made to improve status quo areas for further growth and refinement

18 Further Resources YouthBuild DOL Technical Assistance Collaborative –FPO –Coach –Teaching Sites: Portland YouthBuilders, Portland, OR McLean County YouthBuild, Bloomington, IL YouthBuild Philadelphia, PA Community of Practice –Checklist of Effective Practices YouthBuild USA’s Knowledge Bank

19 Workshop led by Madeline McNeely 617-320-7381 THE END THANK YOU

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